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43. Jealousy

Namor tensed. He breathed out calmly. She knew he was trying to be civil, but she couldn't stop being difficult all meeting. The two of them were supposed to be discussing progress on the Talokan-Wakanda initiative. Something relatively light and simple when he sprung the invitation on her.

She didn't know the Talokan woman that well, but she was pretty enough. She was kind. Helpful with any questions Shuri had and very friendly. And worse of all, Shuri liked her. She still did, but she felt like she had been punched. The Talokan woman helping coordinate with Namor and her was his soon-to-be wife.

Once the news had been dropped, her mood turned terribly sour. It was childish but she couldn't reel in the feelings. She was vulnerable and that love for him was a tender, bittersweet thing.

Finally, after enough of her attitude, Namor demanded, "Princess Shuri, why are you punishing me?

"You're full of it, you winged fool!" She shouted.

He held her wrist firmly, reaching across the table. It was just the two of them in the Wakandan meeting room. Vaguely she recognized that the Dora Milaje, stationed outside the door, had to be hearing her temper tantrum but her wounded heart couldn't care.

"Explain. Are we allies or not? Should I've ignored you?"

Shuri knew she wasn't making sense. But her body was emotionally out of wack. She was breathing too fast, trying to keep her fists from shaking in anger.

"What makes you think I want to go to your wedding!? The great Ku'uk'ulkan takes his bride: a once-in-a-lifetime adventure? Save it!"

He folded his arms. "Fine. I understand this alliance is purely political for you. But in my culture, to invite one into your community, fellowship time, and events with family and friends is the deepest sign of trust. Despite what may be, I trust you Shuri, whether as a princess or black panther."

She covered her eyes with her hands, feeling the tears beginning to build. Shuri tried to take quick breaths to keep the crying at bay. She was trying! Really she was.

"I don't want to see it," she said, her voice strained. "I don't want to see the life I could've had. The one I should've had."

The air seemed to suck out the room. It was hot and stifling. Being across the table from him was too much. She peeked between her fingers. Namor's mouth was hung open. Pure shock.

"Shuri? What are you saying? You who can barely be in a room with me—wished to be my wife? " The hurt was clear in his eyes. As if he had any right to be!

"Yes, Namor! If you hadn't done what you did, I might be your bride right now. Things could've been so different. A Wakandan wedding is beautiful, y'know."

"And now?"

"Now, there is nothing!"

"So where does that leave us?" He asked sincerely.

"At a standstill."

Namor shook his head. He gathered his cloak and adjusted his kimoyo beads.

"I am to be her husband, and I'll not jeopardize that. It wouldn't be fair to her." He closed his eyes. Maybe if he didn't look at her teary face, it made things easier. "If it means anything, when I'm with her, you are who I think about."

The door shut promptly behind him.

"It should've been me," Shuri hiccuped, burying her face in her hands again.


44. Stepmother


"Wait, Namora. He wrapped something around her shoulders." Namor held a hand up to shush her.

How could a man wrap such cheap fur around a woman like Shuri?

Namora could take no more and laid a hand on his shoulder, a loaded gesture. He knew how much Namora despised body contact outside of combat.

"This is a waste of our resources and your time."

Namor pulled away from the balcony window. With all dealings with his sweet, fierce cousin, it was best to get to the point.

"I don't know what this King M'Baku's intentions are. I thought he saw her as a sister figure but now—" He rubbed his chin.

"You believe he wants to make guppies with her." Namora waved her hand dismissively. "Are you so sun-eyed with her that you lost reason?"

"Attuma is leading the scouting trip, and I trust his abilities. Because of that, I can divert attention elsewhere."

"What does a large thick slab of a man with bulging muscles that's taller than you and shares more common points of culture, language, and upbringing and was a close confidant of her brother thus, being a tether to a happier time for her, have to do with you? You're not him. Leave them be."

Namor felt his jaw stiffened.

"If you're looking for blood, you should attack closer to my heart. You desire him, Namora? " Namor folded his hands. She had a way with words, certainly.

Namora scoffed. "No, I don't. Rather I think you should forget this foolishness. Do you forget why we look to you as a leader, Ku'uk'ulkan?"

"Colonization attempted to strip us of our humanity, but it didn't strip me of joy. If you focused on surface dwellers as much as me, then you'd know their saying: we can walk and chew gum at the same time."

"Gum?" Her nose scrunched in confusion.

"My precious child." He placed a hand on her cheek and showed her the stars in his eyes. "My children need a mother. You need one. She could be our queen. The Queen Black Panthress."

Namora blanched. For once, without words. How far gone was their king for a mere slip of a woman?

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