History Epilogue

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Toussaint rocked the baby in his arms. The little beast! The little one had the nerve to pout at him with those big doe eyes. If he set her down on the floor, she cried mercilessly, but if he picked her up, she was docile as a Wakandan mouse.

"You're an agent of chaos, baby." He pointed at her chubby cheek. "Esihle, do you hear me?"

His baby cousin gurgled, clapping her hands.

Fabienne motioned for the baby, getting up from the table. They were studying for a university exam in the midst of babysitting duty like the expert multitaskers they were. The parents were running late as usual.

"Let me hold her, Tutu! Come here, bébé!" Fabienne cooed. Her afro had shrunk from the waterfight earlier that day thanks to Esihle's brother. Amari was easily excitable as a rambunctious child, who had access to way too many gadgets.

Twenty-year-old Toussaint had a lot to juggle with university, his love life, and training for royal duties. He had tested out of many prerequisite courses he needed at Wakandan University, but he wasn't any closer to his bachelor's degree. He wanted to graduate before becoming king. He had majored in finance after all, and Wakanda needed a king who could maintain their economic prosperity. And count, of course.

"No, no come to me," Esther intercepted her older sister. His girlfriend got off the couch and pulled Esishle into her arms.

Something small and marshmallow-like barreled into Toussaint's pant leg.


"Tutu, fight me!" roared Amari. The toddler had a Black Panther mask on with crayon and paint markings. "I challenge you!"

"Demon child, no no. And your mama is going to be so mad! You know she was working on this!" Toussaint chided his other cousin.

"Shouldn't you be madder though?" Esther chimed. Her short black pixie cute looked so mature for her baby face. The big brown eyes behind a set of round glasses.


"That's obviously going to be your Black Panther mask. It's shaped for your head."

He trusted Esther with his life, so it was only natural he told her he was a prince and the future black panther and king. She had commended his skill for roleplaying as she was a double major in creative writing and English. Once he had shown her his Wakandan passport and his pictures with Princess Shuri and the late Queen Ramonda, she screamed and ran the way home. When he had chased her down the Haitian streets and she calmed down, she planted her hands on her hips and asked 'why didn't you tell me sooner." Bast, how he loved that woman.

Toussaint kneeled down so he could be at eye level. "AMARI! How can you do this to your favorite cousin? Do you want me to look silly in front of Lord M'Baku?"

"Sorry, Tutu." The boy whimpered, lifting his mask. His brown face was round with baby fat and long eyelashes. His cousin was seriously cute. He should have been selling diapers for someone. Well, maybe if his ears wouldn't have alarmed the surface world he could.

He placed a roll of paper towels in Amari's hands.

"Don't cry, 'Mari. Just help me wipe off your mess."


Fabienne crunched her chips, turning down the recorded lecture on the flat screen. There were perks to being a prince. Like having a Wakandan penthouse to invite his friends to. Well, it was one of his aunty's homes, but she let him use it as he pleased rent-free. Best aunty ever!

"You're so good with kids, Tutu. You'll make a great father."

"Glad you think so, but, it's just that whenever I'm home, I'm immediately on babysitting duty." He imitated his aunt's voice. "Oh, Tutu your cousins need to see you. These are the ones you begged for, aren't they?"

"Wow, what a dumb kid you were," Esther giggled, still rocking Esishle in her arms. The baby girl had snuggled into her neck ready for sleep. "And that's the worse impression. You sound nothing like her."

"Esther, you're supposed to love meeeee? Praise me!" Toussaint whined, jokingly. He caught his reflection in the paused TV. He had a low cut just like his father had at this age. He could fill out his old clothes now too. It always made his mama tearful to see him in the king's robes.

She smiled. "But you grew up to be my favorite person, so that's okay."

"Aww, my chéri!"

Fabienne groaned, putting the chips away. "Ugh, stop you two before you sicken the baby with your lovesickness." She had only ever seen him as a friend, and it was for the best. He had been so set on the idea of her that he had almost ruled out anyone else.

Abruptly, Griot interrupted their banter, "Entering in 3... 2.. 1 Shuri, current Black Panther with her husband Namor the Feathered God Serpent."

The futuristic door to the penthouse slid open, and he saw his aunt and uncle beam at their children.

"Hey, babies!" Shuri called them.

Amari toddled to them."Hi Mama! Hi Papa! Me and Tutu played all day. It was fun! But he ate your cookies."

"Brat." Toussaint murmured.

Shuri playfully narrowed her eyes at him. She looked beautiful more and more each day in her forties'. "Oh, you thief! And I let you enter our home?"

Namor scooped the child from Esther's arms. She peacefully slept now. "Yes, I'll throw him out at once."

"Wow, really Uncle 'Kan?" Toussaint laughed. "I'm your favorite nephew."

"Yes, but she's my queen," Namor answered with a low chuckle. The gentle smile on his face stretched wider when Shuri returned it in full force.

His uncle still harbored resentment toward the surface nations, but he had learned to compartmentalize it while his children spent half their time growing up there. As soon as they reached adulthood, Toussaint shuddered to think about it. Namor was probably biding his time to flood the surface. But his aunt and he would take care of it if it came to that.

For now, they were just a peaceful family, made of royalty, some schoolmates, and some fish people. His Uncle 'Tuma and Aunt Okoye had adopted another child recently as well. Toussaint couldn't have been happier with his big family.

"Thank you, Toussaint. We appreciate it so much!" Shuri hugged him. "Esther and Fabienne, we brought back some leftovers for you all in the dining room. Thought you might be hungry after all the studying."

His friends thanked his aunt, making their way to the kitchen for the food.

"Aunty, it's nothing. Got to make sure you guys can have your date nights, so you two don't destroy the world again."

"Tutu, you're not funny," Namor said, rolling his eyes in jest.

Shuri laughed, "But he tries, and that's enough. T'Challa would be so proud of the young man who you have become. I love you, Toussaint."

He couldn't lie. His eyes got misty at the mention of his father and the pride on her face.

"Love you too, Aunty."

And he really did.

Even with their unique history, which was too much for some, Toussaint loved his family.


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