Here She Goes! pt 2.

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Shuri examined the untied jade squares and pearls on the table. The only sign that the bracelet wasn't the original was its artificial shininess but some things had to be sacrificed.

Yemi was absolutely ecstatic, thanking Shuri over and over. She was also happy to help out with the lab's overdue cleaning to Shuri's embarrassment.

"I'm surprised you knew where to find the lab coats and safety goggles. Most people wouldn't think to look below the microwave."

Yemi continued cleaning a beaker out with soap and water at one of the sinks in the lab. Water drained down the stainless steel in a rush.

"Easy. You keep things in the same place as my mama."

She raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, so your mother works in a lab? Is she from Talokan too?"

"Yes, something like that," Yemi finished. She set the beaker down and started for the countertop. "Anyway, continue the story! What happened after you guys found Riri? She's not in my world to my knowledge. Some old dude is Ironman."

"Ironheart, I think is what she named herself." Shuri paused. "Well, to no surprise, the Talokan caught up to us rather violently. But I tried to negotiate for them not to harm her."

Yemi's eyes widened.

Answering her silent question, Shuri said, "I requested they take me to their king, Namor, and the big one Attuma obliged. Waking up in Talokan was a sight to see."

Despite her excitement for the story, Yemi looked confused.

Upon further inspection, Shuri noticed the girl's long eyelashes. If there was one thing people praised the Wakandan princess for, it was her genius intellect, golden sense of humor, of course, but then her long lashes. Naturally thick, black long eyelashes were a genetic trait passed down mainly through the royal family. It was very rare to see a non-family member with their type of lashes.

The girl frowned. "How can you call him that? What does Namor mean here? In my world, that name is horrible. It's reserved for his enemies." Horror flashed across her face. "You're a good guy, right?" She seemed to whisper.

Shuri could only roll her eyes. Of course, she was the villain in his story.

"I'm not his subject, so I won't call him Ku'uk'ulkan. Namor is the next closest thing," she said. This was the most Shuri was willing to reveal. Yemi would be back home soon. No need to judge her Namor for this Namor's actions.

Calling him that name seemed to hurt Yemi, so she fell silent.

There was a sizeable lull in the conversation now. Yemi quietly scrubbed away and Shuri, beyond herself, wanted the girl to talk to her again.

Shuri held her hands behind her back. Her 3D printer weaved another bracelet as a backup, creating the base of the jewelry. Only the whirring of the machine filled the room.

She coughed. "Yemi?"

"Hmm? I mean yes, ma—ma'am?"

Ma'am? She was still in her late twenties!

"You said I'm a mother figure to you. Am I a mother to anyone else in your world?"

"The best mama!" Yemi beamed. Those golden eyes were like the sunrise. "You've one girl as of now."

How did that make her feel? There was a Shuri somewhere that had a family, even if it had to be of her own making. Her lips were threatening to quiver into a smile.

"And what about your father?"

Yemi opened her mouth and then closed it. Clearly, she was picking the right words. "Ch'ah Toh."

Shuri frowned. She tried the name on her tongue. "Who is that? A Talokan man judging by the name, right?"

"Ask your Ku'uk'ulkan. He'll know that name in any universe." Satisfied with the cleaning she had done, Yemi put her wet rag down on the counter.

More questions were still swirling around in Shuri's head, but Yemi abruptly reached for the almost-finished bracelet.

"I wanted to talk more, Shuri, but it's getting late. I've to see Ku'uk'ulkan as soon as possible! I'm on a deadline."

"Why didn't you mention that before?"

Yemi groaned, pulling at her face. Instead of a vampire, her features appeared catlike from the expression.

"Because I've to be back by tomorrow!" Yemi's voice rose into a shriek. "But I've been having so much fun with you that I got distracted. Sometimes, I forget you can have fun. The you from my world is very strict."

Shuri placed a comforting hand on the younger girl's shoulder.

"All right, then let's get you to that fish man pronto ... Little girl, did you just hiss at me?"

"Of course not, princess," Yemi said, rolling her eyes. Shuri gave her a playful shove and led her to the lab exit.

"Come on, pretty-eyed girl."

"Ha!" Yemi smiled tenderly. "You call me that in the other world too!"

"Huh? Great minds think alike."

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