Strange Activity

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  "MERLIN!" A yell came throughout the castle, a young man by the name of Arthur called out for his servant Merlin. Merlin, having heard Arthur from the armory where he had been polishing Arthur's armor, rushed out. "What is it?" Merlin asked, "My father has informed me that there have been reports of strange activity in a neighboring village. He would like for me to check it out, and you get the pleasure of going with me because you are my manservant. So, pack our bags because we are leaving now." Arthur replied, "Now?! Why now why not in the morning? It's nearly dark out!" Merlin exclaimed, Arthur sighed and said, "My father wants us to get a head start. This activity only happens at night. If we leave now we can get there before eight. Now we have to hurry." With that being said Arthur turned and walked away. 'Guess I have some packing to do then', Merlin thought.

  After everything was packed Merlin headed to the entrance of Camelot where Arthur waited with his horse and one for Merlin. Merlin put the bags to the area where the saddle bag would have been if they had not been taking extra items with them. with that Merlin hopped up onto his horse and willed it to follow behind Arthur and his horse. They traveled for quite some time before they realized that they might not make it before sundown. "Arthur perhaps we should set up camp for the night. It doesn't look like we'll be making it before sundown." Merlin said, Arthur sighed knowing Merlin was quite right about that but of course, he always had something smart to say. "What's wrong Mer-lin scared of the dark? wanting to set up camp so you will be out of sight from the woodland creatures safe in the tent?" Arthur retorted, Merlin snorted a light laugh. "I think you're speaking for yourself on that one clotpole," Merlin replied, Arthur smiled but he didn't let his manservant see that. "Fine you cowardly oaf we can set up camp, just have to find a good spot first," Arthur said with a smirk.

  Soon enough they found a rather nice spot to set up their camp by a small lake. After they set up the camp Arthur said that he was going to go chop some firewood and find a rabbit or two to cook up. Merlin simply nodded and watched as Arthur set off into the woods with his ax and sword in hand. Merlin on the other hand decided that now would be a good time to wash up in the lake. Merlin began to strip off his clothes neatly folding them and setting them on his side of the tent. After that, he walked over to the lake's edge and stuck a foot in to test the temperature after finding it not to be too cold he got in the rest of the way. He wadded out to about his shoulders and dove under to wet his hair. He thought he must have been in the lake longer than he thought he had when he heard footsteps. Looking over to the camp he spotted Arthur putting the logs he had chopped and rabbits down. As if knowing Merlin was looking, Arthur spun around to look at Merlin. Their eyes locked in a stare, and neither of them said anything for a moment; it was as if time had stopped. That was until Merlin decided to disturb the silence by asking, "Join me?"

  Arthur looked as if he was thinking for a moment, then without saying a word began to strip. Merlin, feeling flustered, turned around to face the moonlight. Soon he heard the sound of the water sloshing behind him. Merlin turned around and was met with water being splashed into his face. Before he could say anything another wave of water splashed him. Arthur was splashing Merlin and laughing like mad. Merlin soon joined in and began splashing Arthur in return. They played like young children for what felt like hours before they got out to dry with some towels that Merlin had in case they needed to wash. After drying off they both got dressed, "I've got some rabbit for us to eat." Arthur said, Merlin nodded as he began to build the logs up for the fire. After the rabbits were skinned and washed Arthur put them on the fire. Merlin sat down beside Arthur to warm himself by the fire; it had become a bit chilly out. Arthur, having felt the chill in the air as well, scooted closer to Merlin. Now shoulder to shoulder they warmed up by the fire as they wanted the rabbits to cook. After they ate they climbed into the tent and closed the entrance. Merlin lay down on his side and Arthur lay on his. They both lay there neither saying anything, neither being able to fall asleep.

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