1. How it started

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People love Hwang Hyunjin.

Girls, boys, young and old, everyone loves Hwang Hyunjin.

Ever since he was a baby, everybody loved him. That love only grew with time - the older he got, the more people he attracted.

But... that was not true "love", in the real meaning of the word.

People loved Hyunjin for his cuteness (as a child) and later his handsomeness (as a teen and a grown-up). They loved the external image of him, what they first saw. His parents only knew and loved him deeper than his physical appearance.

But one more person, besides his family, liked Hyunjin for who he truly was - liked both his good and his bad. That was his next-door neighbor and his first friend - Kang Minji.

And she currently very much loved the way he bucked his hips upward into her, holding her left leg up and growling in the crook of her neck as he fucked her against the wall of the dark hotel room he was staying in for the weekend.

But, let's rewind back to the very beginning of how their relationship started...

Minji was two years younger than Hyunjin so they basically grew up together. Door-to-door neighbors.

Minji was a pretty person too, but Hyunjin always drew more attention than she did. Everyone wanted to play with him, to sit next to him in class, to walk home with him, etc. Minji accepted that because she knew, from a very young age, that everyone wanted to be friends with Hyunjin because he was good-looking. She let them swarm around him like bees on honey because she knew that, at the end of the day, Hyunjin would come back to her.

Despite his popularity and even though he was two years older, Hyunjin would run to the girl and cry on her shoulder because he fell and scraped his knee, dropped his pudding/ice cream/any food, a dog barked and scared him, or for any other ridiculous reason. She was his safe place.

Hyunjin, as an emotional, daydreaming Pisces, relied on the sometimes cold, serious, and stoic Scorpio that Minji was. And, even though she wouldn't admit it, Minji liked that he would rely on her - it made her feel proud and superior to everyone else.

But, as they grew older, Hyunjin toughened up (though he would still come to Minji's house to cry and whine for any stupid reason only he would find tragic) but so did she. Minji learned to mask her blush and not get affected by Hyunjin's flirting. But, it took her time to master those skills - it was so easy to make her flustered when she was only 15 years old.

It was at that age that Minji crushed on Hyunjin, her best friend, even though she knew she shouldn't.

When hormones were wilding, it was easy for her to fall for his charm and look at him as more than a friend. All teen girls were crushing over the high-school heartthrob Hwang Hyunjin and he was well aware of that - it fed his ego that whenever he'd walk through the school hallways, all he could hear behind him were longing sighs and giggly whispers.

He was soon turning 18, he was finishing high school and getting ready for college, and he already slept with more girls than he could count on fingers of both hands. And Minji was still a shy virgin, burying her acne-covered face in books every time Hyunjin would smile at her.

And he was currently sitting across from her, leaning his elbow on the table while staring at his best friend studying biology in the quiet library.

"So, are you coming to my birthday party or nah?" Hyunjin asked, observing his fingernails.

Minji sighed, trying to stay composed and not look up from the book. She would rather get herself immersed in studying the bird skeleton than blush at the sight of Hyunjin's handsome face.

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