6. Taekwondo classes

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The first week at the university passed like a hurricane because it was destructive and relentless from the very start - starting from the rise at 6:10, morning roll call consisting of military stretching, jogging, and physical training at 6:30, marching to the lecture hall after breakfast at 8:40, to all day lectures from 9:00 until 6:00 when the dinner was commenced. Autonomous activities such as sports, clubs, or individual studies were held from 8 p.m. until 11 p.m. when the evening roll call was held. Lights were off every night at midnight, and everyone would retire to their rooms.

That was how every day went, except for the weekends when all students had free activities or permission to go home.

Minji used this first free weekend to go home and tell her parents all about the university and the new routine. She was excited. None of it was difficult for her - a precise schedule, discipline, focusing on lectures, and training was what Minji's body and mind needed and if her future uni life would be like this past week... she would grow stronger, both physically and mentally, all by wearing the biggest and proudest smile on her face.

So, a new Tuesday rolled by, and the selected group of freshmen had their weekly afternoon taekwondo training. All dressed in the same white dobok uniforms with different-colored belts tied around their waists, the students were gathered in the university's large dojang. Yet, Minji also noticed one particular blond boy who caught her attention as he was one of the few who had a black belt wrapped around their waist. Minji, for instance, for her two years of training achieved a blue belt - she was a 4th "kup", a few more years away from her 1st "dan," aka the black belt.

"That's Lee Yongbok, Felix for friends," Misook leaned over to Minji as she caught her staring at the blond boy. Minji turned to the shorter girl, eyes wide, "He's two years older than us but has already third-degree black belt level. He's in the Law Department, a freshman just like us."

"What?" Minji whispered back, leaning down to Misook, "How do you know this stuff? It's barely been a week!" she whisper-yelled, and Misook giggled.

"And see those two guys over there?" Misook changed the topic, pointing at the front where two older students (also wearing black belts) stood by the instructor, talking to him. "People call them 'the oldies' since they were born in the '90s, but they are our seniors. The oldest is the one with black hair and dimples - Bang Chan - he was born in 1997. but started the university late because he was taking a training course before enrolling here."

Misook talked, and Minji listened, fascinated by how much information this girl attained in such a short time. The shorter girl tugged on Minji's sleeve, bringing her closer.

"The other one is Lee Minho - a '98. liner - in the same class as Chan, both of them in the Police Administration Department. Professors are saying that they will become excellent inspectors one day because of their skills."

Misook let go of Minji's sleeve, nodding proudly.

"Damn, Misook, where did you get all that info from?" Minji arched her brow, but the smaller girl just shrugged, a smug grin on her face.

"I have my ways. I want to become an inspector, too, so gathering information is crucial to my career."

"Fair enough," Minji shrugged, and just then, the taekwondo instructor turned to the gathered students.

"Alright, everyone! Listen up!" the older man, the taekwondo instructor - sabom - shouted, his thunderous roaring voice blood-freezing. "This is your first taekwondo class! But don't expect us to be easy on you! Those of you who are beginners will have to learn the art of taekwondo without those soft, cute first steps. You're gonna learn it the hard way!" he yelled, and the students flinched, some even getting scared. "You all passed the practical course, so I expect all of you to be in great physical shape," he walked up and down the room, eyeing everyone. 

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