11. A date?

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The days that followed Minji and Minho's "spicy" encounter in the taekwondo club's shower room were busy and filled with lectures and club activities but also sneaky smiles, stolen glances, and even more secretive weekend meet-ups.

Minho and Minji would get intimate in different places, hidden from curious eyes, but the acts remained in the "foreplay zone" as per their mutual agreement - they wouldn't have sex in either of their dorm rooms so Minho took it upon himself to find where they could do it. The task of finding the perfect place seemed impossible with their busy schedules until the perfect opportunity at the beginning of June arose.

Minji blinked, taken aback by Minho's words.

They currently stood under the oak tree's thick shade after Minho interrupted Minji's evening run. The weather for the beginning of June was pleasant - perfectly warm - yet Minho couldn't avert his eyes from the droplet of sweat rolling down Minji's neck and disappearing in her cleavage. He moved his eyes back to her face, only to see that she was grinning mischievously. 

"So? Yes or no?"

Minji smiled wider, cocking her head to the side. "Are you seriously... asking me out? I thought you didn't date..."

"I don't," Minho's brows came together and his eyes narrowed. The words came out in a low hiss, the proximity of their bodies closing with his small step forward. "I'm just proposing a deal to you - I found the place where we can take our... play... to the next level."

Minji's brow slowly went up and her tongue trailed a line over her lower lip. She took a step closer to the taller male, her breasts touching his muscular chest, a chest she still had to imagine how it looked like as she still didn't see him naked and his proposition was indeed tempting. For nights, Minji would wonder just how Minho looked completely naked but, given the size of his dick that filled her mouth on certain weekends, she was sure that the rest of him was as irresistible and good-looking as his cock.

Sucking on him would often set her off as well - Minji would moan and her muffled screams as she blew Minho while fingering herself were music to his ears, yet he would take her dripping wetness on his tongue as a reward for her good job in swallowing his release.

So, the idea of having Minho fuck her, eat her out and continuously push her over the edge, while not fearing to let out her voice, intrigued Minji and she nodded.

"Whatever you have planned... I'm all in," she bit her lips and Minho held the urge to do that himself - he enjoyed kissing her but wasn't a fan of PDA (especially since their agreement and relationship wasn't romantic).

Minho stepped back and pushed his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants, mostly to take the chance to grab his dick discreetly and stop it from hardening any further at the dirty thoughts of a girl before him.

"You're not afraid that I'll kidnap or kill you?" he scoffed and Minji laughed aloud.

"A straight-A student who aims to become a police officer won't dare to ruin his good reputation and clean record with a silly murder," Minji shrugged one shoulder. "Besides, I trust you..." she smiled but then a spark appeared in her eyes and Minho gulped, already knowing exactly what face she'd make when horny. "And I want you so bad that I'm willing to go to the ends of the earth to get your dick."

Minho's lips spread in a grin as his tongue poked the inside of his cheek. He shook his head, fisting his dick harder in a warning.

This girl...

He stopped his sexual thoughts with the pain his fingers delivered to his dick and a deep breath he inhaled.

"I'm glad to hear that," Minho smiled a real smile that accented his cheekbones and Minji nodded, licking her lips once more. "Tomorrow evening. 7 p.m. At the gates."

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