7. Body on body

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Every day at the university passed in pure discipline and a rough schedule - there was no time for taking it easy, it was fierce and harsh, seven days a week.

Every taekwondo class Minji took was making it easier for her to adapt. She got her sparring match with Minho and lost. Even her matches with kind and soft-looking Felix ended in a loss. The boys weren't going easy on her but would always respectfully give her a hand, helping her stand back up.

Minji's roommate Misook applied to the judo club (that fact taking Minji by surprise, seeing how small Misook was), and Minji would often take a chance to discreetly ask her about Chan, only for Misook to tell her that he was merciless and harsh, taking the training very seriously.

Minji didn't get many chances to talk to him - in taekwondo, Chan sparred with higher-ranking students and would only give her a glance or two when they were in the same room.

But, one weekend when Minji didn't go home, staying at uni to study and practice, a door of an empty dojang Minji was practicing in, opened and she stopped her practice to see who was at the door. A corner of her mouth curved up when she saw Bang Chan enter.

It was an early afternoon before lunch, and it seemed as if the students were either outside, enjoying warm March sun rays, in the library studying, or had left home for the weekend. But Chan... He stayed at the university every weekend to study and train.

However, he rarely visited the taekwondo dojang, Chan trained judo so...

"Oh, sunbaenim, hi. What are you doing here?" Minji asked, hooking her thumbs on her tight blue belt, calming her breath after rounds of kicking the sandbag.

She watched as Chan silently nodded in greeting and went to the locker room, coming out after he got changed into a snow-white uniform.

She waited for a reply to her previous question but as it didn't come and he silently stared at her, Minji tried again.

"So, wassup?" she asked, her smile seemingly annoying Chan more.

He sighed and turned to the heavy sandbag hanging from the ceiling.

"I'm here to train," Chan answered, fishing out a roll of the stretch band from his pocket to fasten it around his hands and knuckles.

Minji smiled more, watching as he skillfully rolled the white band around his hands. She licked her lips at the sight of veins but pulled her eyes to his face.

"Why here? Were you locked out of the judo dojo?" she scoffed but seeing how Chan halted in wrapping the fabric around his hand and how his jaw clenched, she burst into laughter. "Oh, my god! No way!!" she laughed louder and his face reddened in shame and anger. "The great club president lost the key to his dojo?! I never took you for irresponsible type, Chan! Oh, my god!"

Minji laughed some more and didn't notice when Chan closed the proximity between them, stopping her laughter by grabbing her wrist.

Her eyes shot up at him, noticing his icy glare, "Stop it," he hissed and a shiver ran down her spine.

"Stop what?" she whispered, not daring to blink.

"Stop being so disrespectful," he tightened the grip on her wrist but she didn't falter.

What's more, Minji enjoyed riling him up so she smirked and stepped closer, closing her palm so that her fingertips touched his hand.

"Or what? You're going to tell the headmaster what a bad girl I am? Kick me out of the taekwondo club, one of which you aren't the president of? Hmm?" she cocked a brow and watched as the frown deepened on his face. 

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