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colbys pov

Jade went into the bathroom and then I heard music and the water running meaning that she was in the shower now so I played on my phone for a while then I heard the door open so I looked over and saw Sam come in with a towel and go to the bathroom He knocked on the door and then Jade told him to come in, he walked in and then said something and came back out and laid next to me 

"ok well we need to figure out dinner because it's already 4," Sam said

"ok, what do you feel like?" I asked

"im not sure" Sam said

"pizza?" I asked

"Sure," he said

he went on his phone and started watching tiktok so I did the same 

I was watching tiktok when I heard  some music and it sounded like kats song gone then I heard Jade singing she sounded amazing  but it sounded like she was crying a bit 

"Hey Sam do you hear that?" I asked

"what? Her singing? ya she's amazing, don't you think?" Sam said

"ya she is but that's not what im talking about...I think she's crying" I said

"oh shit" Sam said

"ima check on her," I said

"ok" sam said

I got up and walked over to the bathroom door and knocked

"hey princess you ok in there?" I said

 I then heard her moving around and some sniffles and then she cleared her thought 

"mhm ya im all good... why you ask?" she said

"Oh no reason I thought I heard you crying" I said

"oh ya no crying in here," she said with a small laugh

"ok," I said

I walked back over to the bed and laid down staring at the ceiling

"What ya thinking about?" Sam asked

"oh nothing," I said

"I know something on your mind and it is bugging you I have known you for ages so tell me what's up," he said

"Really it's nothing" I lied 

"lies I know something up and it has something to do with jade," he said

I rolled over to the side not facing him and just looked at the wall 

"come on im your best friend you can tell me what's wrong I won't judge," he said

I sat up and just looked straight ahead and sighed then I looked at him 

"I'm worried she isn't telling us something," I said

"ya I know but we have to wait and she will tell us when she is ready to tell us" Sam said

"ya I guess," I said 

we stopped talking so I laid on my back looking at the ceiling again 

"hey, how was your shower?" Sam asked

I looked up to see Jade walking over to the couch  flopping down staring at the ceiling

yep something is definitely not right

"it was good sorry for the singing I forgot where I was for a second" she said

"Oh it's ok we didn't mind if you have a good voice" Sam said

saved by Sam and ColbyWhere stories live. Discover now