01. Evening Glow

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SABINE swore she'd never felt fear until the day darkness drowned her senses— that with faith, everything happened as it was meant to. But now, she isn't quite sure what to feel anymore amidst her constant drowning. Waking in the night drenched in sweat, gasping for air as the thin paled fingers of mother night clasped around her neck. All to lay frigid, stare up at the ceiling in hopes the visions, the memories of that trip, would leave her be. Because peace was never known since her mother's death and her sentencing to the monastery, Sabine knew that much.

Forced to adapt to survive, even whilst serving for faith she wholeheartedly loved, believed in.

A bright smile clad her lips as she studied the patrons of Baratie's bar. Such an unusual, loud place, different from anywhere she'd have found herself prior to joining Luffy. Never a reason to drink. Never a reason to willingly be with drunken patrons- primarily men unable to keep their hands to themselves. Music rang incessantly in her ears as it shook her to the core, vibrations from the wooden bar humming against her forearms. A glass of wine sat primarily untouched in front of her, every few minutes she'd be forcing herself to take a sip, too proud to admit the taste made her sick.

Sabine can't help but laugh as she kept Usopp in the corner of her gaze, his dancing (stumbling) form kept her grounded. At least she could focus on something other than her strong wine and the conversation back at the table between Nami and Zoro. The music was fun. The atmosphere was relaxing enough to forget about Luffy stuck with dish duty— but not relaxing enough for her to forget about oaths and promises, temporary vows alike. Late nights of internal conversations on how she'd never be such a heathen to wear dresses showing ankles or being one of the girls who drank straight from the bottle. Rigid expectations from a father who'd do anything to hold the women close to him down... yet Sabine, as regressed into her younger traumatized self as she was in the moment, was able to enjoy the craziness. That maybe self hatred towards the ideas propagandized in her mind, were simply scare tactics keeping her from the world.

Because Sabine was becoming anew! Cocooning herself up and waiting for her grand reveal to blossom like a butterfly with wings of crystal. Mind and body.

The guilt thrusted upon her shoulders was unfair. Because serving the Father didn't mean starving herself or praying half the day. She could still be as dedicated with a wine glass in hand showing some skin than as a nun- what mattered was how she morally lived. Right? So Sabine picked the glass up with determination and tilted it back.

While her face contorted in displeasure from the taste, a figure had been watching her from across Baratie's bar. A man with golden eyes had looked upon her the second he arrived and he knew she'd be the only one worth seeing for the rest of time. Finding a smile peak on his lips as she struggled to even sip her wine, was adoring. How her long locks, large doe eyes, porcelain skin with the smile of an angel accentuated her- willed him to walk to her and forget the reason he was in the floating fish restaurant.

"Too strong little one?"

The sudden voice from behind made her flinch, a tremble in her hand almost causing her to drop the glass.

Sabine looked to her right, only to be met with intense golden irises peering down at her. A soft gasp escaped her lips as the air was ripped right from her throat, "Y-Yeah, could say that." was all she mustered to say with a hesitant tone.

His aura was... strong. Like a swirling energy of raw power and skill that could only be sufficed by golden rays and the burgundy of blood. For not even the strongest of pirates that pleaded mercy at the monastery's temple could match this man. Sabine could tell that from being in his bubble alone. And with the fabric of her dress brushing along that of his coat, it was almost as if their skin was touching instead. She swallowed hard- bile begrudgingly going down from the sudden tightening of her chest.

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