04. Divine Intervention

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WEEKS of sailing under the sun, staring out onto the never ending blue sea- yet not once did Sabine find herself succumbing to boredom. For she busied herself with chores from aiding Sanji in the kitchen or fishing, to cleaning below deck. Her knack for sewing allowed her to patch up ripped seams from day to day wear or in Zoro's case slashed from his training. While ironic she was a homemaker on the boat, an ideal she wanted to run from, but it felt different this time around. Sabine enjoyed this, wanted to do this.

The Going Merry felt like home and she'd contribute in any way she could during her time, time that she desperately begged not to run out. At night always ending her prayers with a little plea to the Father to not allow her sabbatical to run out. A miracle would be needed for that! She was having too much fun with her reddened skin from the sun, uncaring about the blisters that littered her hands from learning to tie knots.

"Land!" Usopp's voice called from the other side of the ship.

Sabine perked from where she sat delicately stitching an apron back up for Sanji. Placing the fabric down, she wiped sweat from her brow and padded her way over. A jagged mountainside that broke into a cliff over the ocean, the waves crashing into it below. A town in the distance littered around and on said cliff, heavy foliage becoming more clear as they drew in.

Terror washed over her body the moment Sabine's eyes caught wind of that familiar shoreline, the port where it all began. Sabine had never learned the intricacies of reading maps or navigating beyond the general area where the Monastery was located, or the land she once called home. There'd been no way for her to know the way they were going was taking her back. Back to the one place she'd never forget, not even as it plagued her dreams with its dark wretchedness, a place where true evil resided.

"We'll stop here before moving on to Loguetown." Nami had proclaimed, her voice caught on the wind yet never making its way fully to Sabine who stood in vibrating shock.

Flashes of memories force their way from the back of her mind, clawing and scratching out, ripping her at the seams. The scent of jasmine and vetiver, and graveled wet dirt assaulted her nostrils, bile rose in her throat as she stumbled back, unable to escape the reminders. As if she were being transported back, the safety the ship provided her was gone, as others rushed to her she didn't notice.


Sabine sank to her knees, bent over heaving as she stared wildly at her palms splayed flat. The whimpers that escaped her lips were nothing but silence to her, but others noticed.

"Sabine." Zoro grabbed her shoulders forcing her to look at him as he knelt, Usopp joining his side.

"I- She's there."


"That thing! That unholy wretched- wretched creature." Sabine choked back, mumbling nonsense as her eyes glossed over.

"What's going on?" Luffy raced to the bow as he saw the commotion, immediately worried for Sabine. And Luffy's loud voice echoed down to Sanji in the kitchen and had Nami leaving the wheel.

"I didn't know we were going to Angelica Island."

Angelica Island- said to be the birthplace of the Father. A small island that became a booming place for those who worshiped, taking over half the city that ascends the mountain. Past the port and the market, past the normal residential areas and shops was a completely different side to the city where large churches, libraries, and holy grounds stood. Like it was lighter there, purposely constructed to emanate higher purpose compared to all else. A place Sabine once counted down the days to visit, now caused her to lose her senses.

"What's wrong?" Nami asked.

"We shouldn't dock here." Sabine whispered.

"We need supplies."

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