20. Little Nightmares

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"They say nightmares come when you're asleep,
My nightmares come when I'm awake, without you"

- M. Connelly



(Few Hours Ago)

"Hey boss, everything okay?" Carrie's question brought me back.


"You're completely lost in thoughts, still with us?" She chuckled.

"Yeah" I chuckled too "It's just.. Teecole is on her first date today, I just hope everything goes well."

"Huh?" Dave, another teammate teasingly asked "Is she your teenage daughter or..."

I gave him a fake heated look, they started to giggle at each other.

"Shut up and get back to work" I tried to sound tough but couldn't help my suppressed smile.

"Yes ma'am" / "Aye aye"

I gave them some more instructions, then just sitting at my desk looking outside the glass window. Is Tee okay?

Just as I thought that, my phone buzzed, a text from her!

"Hey, can I stay with Tanya till dinner?"

I scoffed, this baby I swear. Why is she asking for my permission, it's her date, she can do whatever she wants, geez!

Shaking my head, I started to type - "Yeah of course, have fun.." Then I just realized something, kind of an intuition, what if she has another headache episode, I won't be there.

I thought for a second then typed - "but remember to tell Tanya to get some space for you so that if you have an episode you can take care of it, okay?" and hit send.

Tee: "Okay, I'll tell her, see you."

Had lunch with the team at the office, arrived home couple hours ago, freshened up, took a shower. Now just relaxing in my bed with my laptop, or at least, trying to relax. My mind is wandering off, thinking about Tee.

We made our dream of living together come true, but we barely spent a month before finding her someone else. Guess it was going to happen one way or another.

I'm trying to focus on work, the laptop is on my lap but I don't feel like doing anything. My team pretty much took care of the presentations so I don't have much to do either.

I put away the laptop then got the phone. Should I call her to see if everything's okay? Would it disturb her date?

I don't know what to do, but I'm feeling so empty, wish Tee was here in my chest right now so that I could hug her tightly and love her to death, sigh.

*Bzz* - Robbie is calling

"Hey Robbie"

"Hey, are you home?"


"Is it an okay time to come by?"

"Yeah, sure, come over."

I didn't think much, gotta fill this emptiness with something.

Robbie and I are just talking, chilling in the couch, had dinner a while ago. I don't think I've listened most of the things he's saying and I don't even know what I talked about either.

*Click* The door opened.

Has Tee returned? Who else, only she has the extra key.

Yep it's her!!

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