35. A Vacation of Mystery

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"You had it sealed off?!" Maya exclaimed, "Why? What's so important in there?"

I shrugged and replied, "Nothing, I thought it's just ours and no one should go in there."

"Uh.." She doesn't sound convinced, "I may have lived 9 years away from Scarling but I'm pretty sure no one would do that anyway."

I can understand her curiosity. Besides, my nervous tone isn't helping either.

I kind of shrugged it off and asked her to help me unshackle it. Pretty soon we took off the chains.

Coincidentally, the moment I opened the door, it came apart! Yikes!

The small girl that I am, almost fell down with it's weight hadn't I let it go quickly!

"TEE OH MY GOD.." Maya screamed in fear, almost yanked me to her. Quickly held my hand whimpering "Are you okay?" then started to gently massage my fingers. Unbelievable.

"Maya I'm okay, it happened suddenly, hurt my knuckle a bit but it'll go away."

She's almost crying.

"Jesus woman relax, I'm fine" I almost scolded.

Instead she scolded me, "Well, be careful."

"Wha.. how am I supposed to know it'll come apart like this?"

"I told you it's in a bad shape.. you know what, forget this renovation."

"Ugh.." I shook my head with an eyeroll. "What do you mean forget ? How old were when we built this thing huh? I had more cuts and bruises than I could count back then."

"Yeah well.." Maya retorted, "We were teenagers and practically village girls, naturally we were a bit rough and tough, but now we're grown up."

"Oh so after growing up we became weaker? What a solid logic.." My sarcasm finally made her chuckle.

"No, what I mean that we're out of touch with this kind of activities, wounds may hurt more now."

"We wouldn't know until we try. We're in our 20's, not 40's." I countered, rolling my eyes again. Then saw her smirking at me. "What?" I asked, also smirking.

She giggled and replied "I miss arguing like this."

"Good, cuz I don't" I lied suppressing a smile, trying to sound tough.

"Mhm, sure you don't." She giggled again smooshing my cheeks.

I rescued my cheeks from her then looked at our bicycles. "Coming in handy huh?" I asked gesturing at them.

"Oh hell yes!" Maya agrees. 

We bought them from the Bazaar earlier today.

This morning the clinic released Judith. It's rare for Judith to fall sick so a LOT of people gathered at the clinic's door.

We took Judith to her house, settled her in and organized all the medicines. We also offered Janette help to move in but she told us that her husband already got this.

After spending some time there we went to the Bazaar to buy some tools and materials for our shack renovation project.

There was a bicycle shop nearby and since I had some money saved up, just bought two mountain bikes on a whim. We'll be here a few more days, these will be very helpful.

Besides, we used to ride across the whole town on bikes back in the days. It'll be fun and a bit nostalgic for us to do that again.

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