22. Touch

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"Do you always order out or cook sometimes?" I asked curiously.

We're hanging out in the balcony, had dinner hours ago.

"Only sometimes" She reluctantly replied "I'm too lazy too cook." shrugged smiling.

We're enjoying the leftover dessert, she ordered two extra slices of cakes.

Her apartment is on 2nd floor so the balcony doesn't have much of a view but it's still nice to look at the calm street and the nearby buildings.

"Call me crazy, I but don't want you to go." She suddenly said, taking a bite out of her cake.

Somehow I was expecting her to say that, "Really?" I asked, couldn't hide the slight happiness in my tone.

"Yeah I mean.." She shrugged, "I don't get much visitors, and you came here for the first time, I'm loving it so far. Nothing official, just being with my girlfriend in this chill evening, I'm loving it."

Now that she put it that way, I'm starting to feel it as well. "Yeah, me too" I agreed softly.

"Hey wanna feel rebellious?" She sounds excited.


"Stay for a few more hours."

"Wha.. really? But it'll be so late in the night."

"So? I'll drop you off." She said pretty confidently.

"I don't know.." I'm kinda hesitating but she kept insisting.

"Oh c'mon, that time of the night the streets will be empty, we'll have a nice drive."

"Will you be okay driving this late?"

"Girl, do you even know me?"

I scoffed, then made my last excuse "But.. Maya.."

She's shaking her head at me asking "Remind me how old are you again?"

"It's just.." I shrugged "I just don't want her to worry too much."

"It's gonna be fiinnee" She's getting impatient. "Besides, you gotta live your life."

Her words are making sense. I never got to live my life, why can't I now?

"So?" She asked teasingly "What's it gonna be.. Tee?"

I smiled then hesitantly said "Um, sorry but, only Maya calls me that."

She uttered "Of course she does" sounding even more amused. "She got the exclusive right on that nickname huh? Fine then, your bestie can have that but since we're girlfriends, I can already call you babe, so we're good... right babe?"

I nodded, smiled nervously. That made me blush a bit.

"Make the call then." She said looking at me mischievously.

And I think I will. I picked up the phone.


"If it gets too late then just stay over, don't take any risk okay?
And if you do come, tell Tanya to drive carefully and not speed up just because the streets will be empty.
Do you have your pacifier with you?
Also order some snacks if you get hungry in the night,

I kept ranting until Robbie came in the room, he was talking to someone on his phone. I'm almost done too.

"Okay baby, stay safe, bye"

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