47. Scarlingdale!

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The flight was okay. We couldn't sleep much.

The bags are the only hassle. We took a taxi from the airport to the bus stop. Tickets are available on the stop this early in the morning.

'Scarlingdale, 1mile'  Just checked the map. 

"It's giving me a deja vu." I said in a low voice.

"Why?" Tee asked, looking curious.

We're kind of whispering, took the bus service to the town this time and it's just dawn.

"It was the similar time all those months ago when I had returned here. I was in the bus, was checking the distance and at one point got the notification that it's just one mile."

"Just like you checked right now."


She smiled at me then smooshed her face into my arm and I smooshed mine on her head.

She slowly blew nervously, muttered, "Almost there!"

"Yeah!" I also exhaled nervously.

This is the last stop so the bus will stay here for a few minutes. The conductor helped us to unload the luggage.

We both enjoyed the fresh mountaintop air for a minute, breathed it in, blessed our eyes with the early morning view. Forgot how badly our eyes craved it!

Then we picked up / managed the bags and started to walk towards the motor scooters.

Wait.. is that.. what the!!

Before I say anything Tee exclaimed almost yelling, "Is that mom?"

Yeah, it IS Neela! Yesterday she told me to call her after boarding the bus. Thought she just wanted to be keep updates.

And with her our neighbor Alan Russ! They were just casually talking to the scooter drivers, saw us then waved.

"Heh-heh-heyy You kids made it!" His familiar rugged voice is already making us feel welcomed.

"Hi mom."

"Hi baby."

Mother daughter hugged first. Then she hugged me. After that Russ hugged us at the same time and put his hands on our heads.

"You guys didn't have to come this early in the morning oh my god! We could've managed it."

"Heh?" Russ protested right away, "What do you mean, Scarling's kids have returned home, of course we'll be here."

He boarded the heavy bags on one scooter and got on it with Neela. Managed another scooter for us.

We're going straight for the residences this time. While on the way, I called dad and informed that we've reached safely.

Last time we were here, it was a short visit and Judith was sick. But this time we've permanently returned. The welcome by everyone is to cherish for!

We settled in Tee's room. Neela bought and accommodated a wardrobe in there for me. Still there's space left.

Both Tee and I had to sleep for couple hours because since last night we couldn't get any proper rest.

After waking and freshening up we came out to the neighborhood with the gift luggage.

Neela gathered everyone who's available right now and it's a beautiful scene when we handed the gift clothes to everyone!

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