Chapter 4... The Royal Assembly...

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Ryuuji's POV


It was the day of the assembly and the maids came in to change me once again. After they finished, I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a dark blue vest that reached near my ankles over a white shirt. The vest was embroidered with jewels and there was golden lining at the edges of the vest. The vest had sleeves that went down to my wrist and my pants were black, with a gold chain connecting from the belt to the back of my belt, complemented with brown shoes. My hair was fully down, half of my face covered.

I walked out to see Xarion waiting for me again. He was dressed in black, head to bottom. He had his shoulder covered with a golden shoulder pad. His pants were deep red with black markings on the bottom of his pants. He had earrings that matched his red hair. His hair was in a low ponytail, hanging over his shoulder. His shirt was black with red symbols on the edges like mine. "Let's get going then, I assume you remember the plan?" I asked, walking with him down the hall.

"Of course, Your Royal Highness. I shall prepare the armor immediately." He said, nodding. I had already told him of what my plans were with my father and he went to prepare the armor for them. Souyan, Xin, and Orelia were going to be our guards while the others would wait for their signal to enter. Xarion quickly prepared the armor and stuffed it inside his mana storage, waiting for my command. "Let's go then, we cannot keep them waiting," I said, opening a portal. He walked through first and I followed after. I closed the portal as we crossed only to see Xarion already handing out the armor to them.

"Wow, You give your soldiers nice armor Ryuuji," Orelia said, putting on the set. "Of course, it is required to protect our kingdom, Lady Orelia. It is made to protect the mana crystal and body from attacks. It is not the best, but it is better than most kingdoms." Xarion informed her, giving a set to Xin. "Let's hurry, We can't be late at all," I said, walking closer to them. "Just wait. I almost got this leg piece in." Souyan said, putting on leg armor. I walked over and helped him put it in, shoving it in tightly. "There, that should be good," I said, standing in front of him. "Wow... you look magnificent, love," Souyan said, smirking while looking at me.

"Thanks, Darling, now let's get going before we are late. Do not talk at all, me and Xarion will handle it." I said, making another portal. "We'll have to go by boat. The faster we go onto our ships the better. Get in." I said, walking through. I landed on the boat and waited for everyone else to enter. After a little bit, they all got through and I summoned my staff. I tapped the boat and the boat started moving at a pretty quick pace. "We'll be there soon, I set this boat near the empire, be ready. I'll be taking a little break, go ahead and eat in the dining area." I said, walking into the boat. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door. I fell to the ground, coughing. I quickly stood up and walked to the sink. I coughed more, puking out blood. I used so much mana in one go, I should watch how much I use.

My bracelet won't last long either, I need to find a new artifact to hide my scars. I slowly took off my bracelet but someone was knocking on the door. "Your royal highness? It's me, Commander Xarion." Xarion said, knocking on the door. "Just wait, I am almost finished," I said, washing up the blood. I walked out to see Xarion frowning. "Your Highness... I heard you coughing. Are you alright? If we have to, we can take a break. I'll use my mana." He said, checking to see if I was alright. "I am fine my friend. It's just that I've used so much in one go. It just hurt a little, that is all." I said, smiling. "...Your Highness. Your scars, I can see them a bit. Your artifact must be running out of mana." He said, noticing the cut on my hand. "It's nothing, don't worry about it," I said, quickly hiding it. "At least let me heal it for you, your highness. I... I can't bear to see you hurt like this." He asked, taking my hand. "I said it is fine, I'll last long enough. I won't die..." I said, taking my hand away

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