Haven's Downfall

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The full moon shone down upon Haven as Hazel and I were preparing the explosive with the White Fang. I noticed a group walking up to the school out of the corner of my eye.

I started to walk away to go see how many people we were dealing with, but Hazel stopped me. "What are you doing?!" he asked in a harsh whisper. "Scouting ahead. Don't you want to know how many people we're dealing with?" I retaliated.

Hazel didn't say anything and I activated my semblance, making sure that I stayed in or behind the bushes. I got a little bit ahead of them and saw that there were 8 warriors, but something about one of them threw me off.

It took me a moment, but I recognized one of the boys as the one we had seen at the train station. I went back to Hazel and the White Fang. "8 warriors." I said simply.

We went back to setting up the explosives when we were done arming them, the Fang went to go put them on the school. Hazel opened the doors to the school and I slipped in with him.

"The White Fang is prepping demolition and securing the school grounds. No one's getting in, and no one's getting out." he said once the doors were closed. 

He slowly approached the group of Huntsmen. The boy from the train station stared at me and I panicked slightly, thinking my semblance wasn't active. I slipped into the shadows and jumped up into the rafters.

Being the youngest of the group at 15, I was the most agile. "This was all just a trap?" the white-haired girl asked. "It appears so..." the boy dressed in green said.

"Raven, tell me... how long have you been with them?" Qrow asked. "Aww, don't take it personally, little bird. Your sister was a recent addition. The lion on the other hand... Entrance into the Vytal Festival was a real treat, Leonardo's been sending Salem all sorts of information for a very, very long time. Isn't that right, professor?" Cinder asked.

"Stop it..." Leo said, his voice full of shame. I gently stepped along the rafters, trying to get a better angle to see what was going on. I saw the boy from the train station glance at me, but thought nothing of it.

"It was you... you sit on the Mistral Council. You had information on every Huntsman and Huntress in the Kingdom, and you gave it all to her?" Qrow asked Leo.

"I--" Leo got cut off. "I couldn't find any of them, because you let her kill them!" Qrow said. Leo stayed silent, but his face said everything. His face was full of sadness.

"Aw now, don't beat yourself up about it, Lionheart. I'm sure Tyrian and Hazel would've found them on their own eventually." Cinder said.

"What is wrong with you...? How can you be so broken inside... to take so many lives, and then come here and rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud of?!" the boy with blonde hair asked, his head down.

He was right. Cinder was rubbing it in their faces like it was something to be proud of. "Jaune..." the girl clothed in pink said. "All with that damn smile on your face!!" the blonde boy yelled with tears streaming down his face.

The group drew their weapons. "Everybody, stay calm!" Qrow said. Cinder only glared at them. "I'm gonna make you pay for what you did!! Do you hear me?!" the blonde boy screamed.

"Kid!" Qrow said. "Well?! SAY SOMETHING!!" the blonde boy yelled. There was a short pause before Cinder responded. "Who are you again?" she asked. The boy became even more angry than he already was and went in for an attack, but Cinder summoned a scimitar to block it.

"Jaune!" the girl in red said, rushing forward to help her friend. She leaped up, but was brought to the ground by Emerald. "You're not getting hear her." she said.

Everyone engaged in their own fights and the boy from the train station snuck towards Leo. I crept my way along the rafters to get as close as I could to them.

Leo could fight, but he wasn't the most reliable. Everyone else would call if they needed my help, but I knew Leo never would, and besides, I wanted to see how this played out.

Leo noticed the boy behind him. "Young man, I don't know who you are or what you think you're doing, but for your sake, I suggest you leave. Now." Leo said to the boy.

The boy defiantly remained stationary before taking a few more steps toward Leo. "I'm warning you!" Leo said, pointing his weapon at the boy. The boy reached behind himself, ready to grab something.

"That's enough!" Leo yelled. He rotated his weapon, a glyph appearing above it. It conjured a flaming rock that Leo launched at the boy. The boy crossed his arms in front of himself, blocking the rock.

It shattered and his aura shimmered. He continued up the steps and drew his weapon, which was a cane that looked vagally familiar. "Ozpin?" Leo asked. "Not quite." the boy said.

He moved forward, keeping Leo on the defensive. My hand drifted to my shurikens and I was ready to throw them. I wanted Leo to sort this out, though. After all, I was just a backup.

The boy was able to push Leo back a little bit. "This can't be... I knew you would be back, but... you made it here! You found Qrow! How?" Leo asked.

They were both silent for a moment before Leo spoke up again. "Wait. You can't have had this form for long. You're... not really Ozpin right now. Boy. Child. If I deliver you to Salem, she'll have to be pleased with me, and I can finally get out of all this! I can finally be free!" Leo said.

Now determined, Leo prepped his weapon again. "What do I do?" the boy asked himself. After a moment, he moved forward, engaging Leo in combat again.

After a little bit, there was a bright white flash. I had to shield my eyes with my arm. "The hell was that?" I asked myself. Cinder fell to her knees, holding her Grimm arm in pain.

The blonde boy used the moment to try and attack her, but only chipped part of her mask and he tripped. Cinder got back up, enraged, activating her Maiden flames. She put a foot on the blonde boy to keep him down.

"Did you think you actually had a chance against me?! You?!!" Cinder yelled. The blonde boy tried to reach for his sword while Cinder calmed herself, deactivating her Maiden flames.

"You're just a failure with a death wish." Cinder said. "If I die buying them time, then it's worth it. They're the ones that matter." the blonde boy said.

Cinder looked at his friends who were in their own battles before turning back to him. "You think so?" she asked with an evil smile. She noticed the white-haired girl get knocked back.

Cinder slowly moved forward, conjuring an obsidian spear. The blonde boy could only watch helplessly as Cinder kept moving. Cinder threw the spear, hitting the girl right in the back.

Everyone stopped fighting and turned to look at the girl. I gasped in slight horror. I'd seen a lot of things, but this was too much. The spear disintegrated and the girl fell to the floor.

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