Chapter X

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"You can use resentment energy?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "Is this energy still inside of you?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head again. "Is this the reason why they all went against you?" Once again Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

"You didn't do this on purpose right? You will never lose control unless someone provoke you?"

"Mn. Someone did provoke me?"

"Who?" Lan Wangji tighten his grip on his sword. "Jin Guangshan."

"Sect leader Jin Guangshan?"

"Mn. When he see that I have a tool call "Yin Hufu" it is a very powerful tool. To provoke me, he went after all of the innocent Wen that is part of Wen Rouhan clan. When I see Wen Qing on the street, I ask her about her family. She doesn't know where the other clan have taken her didi and her family. I went to Jinlintai to ask Jin Zixun about it since he is the one who is going around capturing all of the Wen remnant."

"What how could they do that to the innocent Wen?" This make Lan Wangji very angry with the Wen Rouhan.

"When Jin Zixun told me where Wen Ning and his family is at, I went to save them. From that day on the whole cultivation world cast me away from the world. Even Jiang Cheng defect me from the Jiang clan. I'm glad he did, since Jin Guangshan will targeted the Jiang clan due to the fact that I have the Yin Hufu in my hand which make the Jiang clan more powerful then any other clan."

"So he targeted you the most. He want to take you down to get your Yin Hufu?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "Wei Ying, can you do it again?" This cause Wei Ying to freeze up.

"Wei Ying, listen, no matter what happen I will always stand by your side, I will stand up for you, I will go against my clan to protect you. If this Yin Hufu help defeat Wen Rouhan puppet then you should forge it again. This time, I will go with you."

"But Lan Zhan?" Lan Wangji look down at Wei Wuxian shaking hand, he then take Wei Wuxian hand in his. "You went through a lot by yourself, this time I will stay by your side until all of this is over."

Wei Wuxian hand stop shaking since he felt the warmth of Lan Wangji hand on his, "you promise?"

"Is a promise. A Lan will always keep their promise. Also," Lan Zhan take off his forehead ribbon, "Lan Zhan, what are you doing?" Wei Wuxian watch as Lan Wangji ties his ribbon around Wei Wuxian wrist.

"Do you remember me getting angry whenever you take off my ribbon or touch it?"

"What about it?" Wei Wuxian asked as he continued to look down at what Lan Wangji is doing.

"The Lan forehead ribbon can only be touch by either family member or their cultivation partner or you can call it "fated person"."

"Fated person?" Lan Wangji nodded his head, "Wei Ying, from now on you are my cultivation partner, my fated person and my soulmate. If everyone ask me why I am standing by your side, I will show them this," Lan Wangji pointed at the ribbon on Wei Wuxian wrist.

That night, while Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji is still talking to each other the two hear, "Ahahah!" They looked at one another, Lan Wangji take out his sword, "Hop on Wei Ying!" (Is hop not hope okay, misspell)

Wei Wuxian take Lan Wangji hand, "hold on tight okay?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "This can't wait. We need to do this fast!"

"But what can we do?"

"Wei Ying, use your resentment energy. We need to lure them into some kind of cave where there is no water there. We can't wait for Xiong zhang and the other to arrive."

"But Lan Zhan?"

"I know that you can do it, Wei Ying. Don't be afraid, I am here with you, I will protect you. Remember, I am your soulmate and you are mine."

Hearing this from Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian felt warm inside of him, "okay, let's do this."

Once the two arrive in the middle of the lake, Wei Ying begin to whistle. They look down to see a big swirl of Aqua Demon coming together. "Keep going Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji take them away from there. The Aqua demon follow behind them.

As they flew away from the lake with the Aqua demon behind them, Lan Wangji look around them, he is searching for a cave and that is when Lan Wangji saw it. "Wei Ying!" Wei Wuxian look at where Lan Wangji is pointing, "let's go over there, we can trap them there." Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

When they arrive at the cave, all of the Aqua demon went inside. Lan Wangji take them back out, "Lan Zhan blow up the cave so that they can't get out." Lan Wangji nodded his head, he send a very strong chord string at the rock and that is when the rock fall down as the rock blocked the opening.

"I guess there no need for the whole clan to come down here. Everything is done. Shall we head back?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. Lan Wangji take them back to the inn instead, "I thought that we were heading back to Cloud Recesse."

"Tomorrow, let's stay here for tonight."


By the next day, when Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian walk back up to the Lan clan the two see Lan a Xichen and the other Lan disciple is heading toward them. "Xiong zhang?"

"Wangji, what are you two doing here?" Lan Xichen asked.

"Heading home, we already took care of the Aqua demon."

"You did? Why didn't you wait for us?" They begin to head back up to Cloud Recesse. "We want to wait but while we were there we heard a scream coming from the distance. We can't wait, that is why Wei Ying and I went ahead to take care of the Aqua demon."

"Caiyi town is safe?" The two nodded their head. While the two Lan brother is talking to one another Wei Wuxian suddenly remember something, 'There is a Yin Hufu in Tanzhou town. We need to go get it.'

"Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji stop walking while his brother and the Lan disciple keep on walking back up the mountain. "Wei Ying, what's wrong?" Lan Wangji asked.

"Can we head to Tanzhou town tomorrow? There is a Yin Hufu in that town."

"You don't want Wen Rouhan to get his hand on it?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "Then let's leave tomorrow." With that the two begin to walk again to catch up with lan Xichen and the Lan disciple.

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