4: Don't play innocent

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Aiden and Ethan, their bravado momentarily halted by caution, cautiously took sips from their drinks.

 However, their expressions twisted into grimaces of disgust, and almost in unison, they spat the drink back into their glasses. 

My heart skipped a beat at their vehement reaction, anticipating their next move.

 The malicious game had only just begun; tonight, they weren't planning to let me off the hook that easily.

They exchanged smirks, and Alex, seemingly unaffected, taunted, "Is this your idea of revenge, Leo? Trying to poison us with whatever concoction you've mixed?"

A wave of anxiety and frustration washed over me, but I tried to keep my composure.
"Of course not. It's the same drink I serve everyone," I retorted, my voice laced with defiance.

Aiden chuckled sarcastically.
"Sure, sure. Just a coincidence that it tastes awful when we order from you.

Ethan chimed in, "Maybe it's just your terrible bartending skills."

Their laughter echoed through the bar, and I struggled to contain my anger. I knew retaliating wouldn't help; it would only give them more ammunition. Taking a deep breath, I focused on maintaining my professionalism.

"I assure you, the drink is fine. If you have a complaint, I'd be happy to replace it," I said, attempting to diffuse the situation. 

Alex, seemingly reveling in the discomfort, leaned on the counter and grinned.

 "Alright, let's give you another chance. But if this one's as bad, you might want to reconsider your career choices."

I nodded, internally bracing myself for the task. I prepared fresh drinks, ensuring every detail was meticulous, and handed them over. 

Handing over the new drinks, I watched as they sipped, their expressions immediately contorting in distaste. 

Alex, unable to contain his frustration, threw the glass and shouted, "Where is your manager?"

My heart raced, knowing this was escalating into a dire situation.

Aiden chimed in, his voice dripping with false concern, "Maybe you should find another job, Leo. Bartending clearly isn't your forte."

Ethan added mockingly, "Or perhaps it's a clever ploy to get fired so you can play the victim card."

Their words stung, but I refused to let them see how much they affected me. I took a deep breath, reminding myself to stay composed.

"I assure you, the drinks are made exactly as they should be. I can make another round if you'd like."

Alex's face contorted with anger, and his voice rose, "No, we're done here. I'm going to make sure everyone knows how terrible your service is."

Suddenly manager approached the scene, concern etched across his face. 

"Is there a problem here?" he inquired, trying to grasp the situation.

Alex, his temper evident, vented his displeasure. 

"Your bartender is either incompetent or purposely serving us terrible drinks. This is unacceptable."

My manager turned to me, seeking an explanation. I spoke calmly, wanting to clarify the situation and salvage my integrity.

 "I can vouch for the quality of the drinks. I prepared them with utmost care, and there was no foul play."

Aiden chimed in, adding fuel to the fire. 

"So we are lying? " 

I clenched my teeth in anger, my frustration mounting at their deceptive tactics. They were masters at twisting the truth, creating a web of lies that I couldn't untangle without risking further provocation. Engaging in a direct confrontation would only fuel their perverse enjoyment of tormenting me.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to contain my frustration and asked, "So what do you want me to do?" 

My voice carried the strain of exasperation, my patience wearing thin. 

 Alex, seemingly satisfied with the chaos they had caused, relaxed his shoulders and flashed a smug smile. Aiden and Ethan exchanged victorious looks, reveling in the distress they had orchestrated.

"Drink with us," Alex bluntly stated, the challenge evident in his voice.

"what? "

The suggestion caught me off guard. It was unexpected, and I hesitated, considering the implications. Drinking with them could be another ploy, another opportunity for them to mock or provoke me.

Yet, a part of me wondered if this could be a chance to break the cycle, to find a flicker of common ground.

My manager, caught in the middle, looked between us, evaluating the truth. He knew the importance of maintaining customer satisfaction.

After a moment of contemplation, I decided to cautiously agree, hoping for a shred of civility amidst the chaos.

 "Fine, just one drink," I conceded, choosing to tread lightly.

They grinned, their victory palpable. We moved to a corner of the bar, and I served us the same drink, making sure it was identical to the previous ones. 

As we sipped, an unusual quiet settled among us. The air was thick with tension, their evil eyes were fixed on me.

After reluctantly sipping one drink, I stood up, ready to put an end to this charade. 

"Happy now?"

 I questioned, attempting to assert my boundaries. However, before I could walk away, Alex grabbed my arm and pulled me back into my seat, causing me to stumble.

"No, have more," he insisted, and Aiden poured another drink into a glass, handing it to me.

"But we agreed on only one drink," I protested, trying to stick to the terms we had established, but their laughter drowned out my objections.

"Don't play innocent," Alex whispered, his voice dripping with menace.

 "What made you think you can walk away after provoking me?"

Confusion clouded my mind, but as I looked into Alex's determined eyes, a memory resurfaced. They were exacting this twisted revenge because of what happened earlier at the medical block. The realization hit me like a punch to the gut.

I remembered now—Alex's pride was wounded. Anger surged within me, not just at them, but at myself for falling into their trap once again. It was clear they would not let me go easily.

 They wanted to assert their dominance, to keep me under their thumb.

A sense of helplessness washed over me.

I was caught in a cycle of humiliation and manipulation, unable to find a way out. The resentment I felt for them grew, but I knew reacting impulsively would only give them more satisfaction.

At that moment, I made a choice. I would endure this night, and play along to survive their malicious antics. 

Reluctantly, I took a sip of the drink, biding my time and formulating a plan to navigate this unnerving encounter. 

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