5: Crossing The Limit

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Silently, I continued to drink, the relentless filling of my glass blurring the lines of moderation. In the haze, I lost track of how many glasses I had consumed, and the world began to warp and wobble before my eyes.

"I'll go to the washroom," I mumbled the effort to form coherent words a struggle. My body swayed as I stood up, attempting to navigate the crowd.

"Be careful, loser. Don't fall into any woman's pussy," Ethan's mocking voice pierced the air, sending a surge of anger through me.

I couldn't understand if they were doctors, gangsters, or Mafia. I doubt their education. 

Cursing under my breath, I pushed through the crowd, my unsteady steps echoing my blurred thoughts. I fumbled for my mobile, hastily dialing my group's number, praying someone would pick up. Max answered the call.

"It's an emergency, come to pick me up," I urgently slurred into the phone, the urgency evident in my voice. I stepped into the bathroom, ending the call and trying to steady myself.

I struggled to maintain my balance, feeling the effects of the alcohol hitting me harder than expected. I had always prided myself on my alcohol tolerance, but tonight it had betrayed me, pushing me beyond my limits.

As I stumbled into the bathroom, my vision still hazy, I accidentally bumped into two young men in an intimate embrace. They were lost in their passionate moment, and my intrusion disrupted their serenity.

"Sorry," I managed to slur out an apology, hastily moving away, my face flushing with embarrassment. I leaned against the bathroom wall, feeling a mix of frustration and helplessness. 

I opened the tap and splashed water on my face, attempting to gather my thoughts and cool my racing mind. 

My breath was heavy, and the cool water provided a brief respite.

"I thought you'd died in here in the bathroom," 

Alex's voice cut through the silence, and my body tensed at the sound of him.  

My palms tightened into fists, frustration boiling within me. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to calm the storm of emotions.

Summoning all the strength I could muster, I turned to face him. Our eyes locked, fire and defiance blazing in that intense gaze.

"This is enough. Do me a favor and get the hell out of my face," I winced, my anger seeping through my words.

Alex stepped towards me, shaking his head and wearing a mocking smile.

 "Why? I thought you'd love to see my face."

He stood close, his breath hitting my face, surprisingly sending shivers down my spine.

 I swallowed hard, avoiding his piercing gaze.

"What happened? Now the king turns into a loser," he stated, a hint of mockery lacing his words, a cruel reminder of our earlier exchange.

"I thought you were a lion," he added, pushing his face even closer to mine.

I shifted my eyes to meet his, and the realization of how close he was made my breath catch. A strange sensation rippled through my nerves, an odd mix of irritation and an unidentifiable connection.

We were almost the same height, but he was slightly smaller than me. His body had a certain presence, not as big as mine, but it radiated a distinct energy. As we stood face to face, it felt like a battle had begun, a clash of wills and egos, both unwilling to back down.

Suddenly, I found him staring at my lips, and involuntarily, my gaze shifted to his. His lips seemed perfectly shaped, enticingly tempting. I swallowed hard, a strange feeling washing over me, confusing my thoughts. Before I could comprehend my actions, my impulsiveness took control, and I leaned in, pressing my lips against his.

Time seemed to freeze for an instant as our bodies tensed, both of us caught off guard. His eyes widened in surprise, and he pushed me away abruptly.

"Have you lost your mind?" he shouted, wiping his lips with his hand, a mix of shock and anger in his expression.

I swallowed, my breath ragged, unable to tear my eyes away from his lips. Confusion and a sense of disarray clouded my mind. What had just come over me?

Alex noticed my fixation and stared back at me, his eyes meeting mine. I shifted my gaze from his lips to his eyes, the intensity of our locked gazes pulling us into an unspoken realm.

As we maintained eye contact, our breaths became rapid, the unspoken tension between us palpable. It was as if the world around us faded into the background, leaving just the two of us caught in this perplexing moment of connection and conflict.

I noticed his sharp breath, a sign that the unexpected tension between us was reciprocal. Slowly, I took a step closer to him, and Alex instinctively stepped back, clearly unsure of how to navigate this uncharted territory.

"What... What are you doing?" his voice trembled, a hint of vulnerability seeping through.

"I don't know," my voice escaped, raw and unfiltered, mirroring my internal confusion. Truly, I had no clear understanding of my own actions.

 It was as if my body was operating independently, reacting to an unspoken desire.

Alex seemed taken aback by my response. Confusion and a flicker of something else danced in his eyes as they briefly darted to my lips, mirroring my own unspoken thoughts.

In that charged moment, we both grappled with an unspoken desire, a desire we couldn't articulate or define. 

It was as if we stood on the precipice of something profound, but we couldn't grasp what that something was.

I took another step towards him, and he retreated until he was backed against the wall. My hands found their place on the wall, effectively trapping him between the wall and my body.

"Leo, don't try to cross your limit. You're drunk," Alex urged his voice barely above a whisper, vulnerability creeping into his tone.

 I could sense the rapid beat of his heart. 

A twisted smile crept across my lips, a surge of recklessness fueling me.

"Crossing limit? You still haven't seen how I cross a limit," I whispered, my face inches away from his. My lips lingered on his. This was the first time that I had seen him this closely and it was heartbreaking. He was fucking adorable.

He held his breath, and a sense of satisfaction coursed through me. I moved my eyes from his lips to his eyes and back again before yielding to the chaos within and pressing my lips against his.

His eyes widened, and he held his breath, caught in the moment, the unexpected collision of our lips sending a shockwave through both of us. 

In that electrifying moment, time seemed to hold its breath. It was a collision of conflicting desires, a tumultuous whirlpool of feelings neither of us had anticipated.

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