14: Argument

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I let my eyes wander over the surroundings. Tall buildings, numerous people, and a bustling cityscape, yet not a single person who could hear my heart silently weeping.

I have loving friends, supportive colleagues, caring teachers, and most importantly, Anay in my life. But I can't bring myself to share my pain with anyone.

I know they would try to help, but I have no desire to seek assistance from anyone. Even if I tried to tell them, they wouldn't fully comprehend, and it's not their fault-it's my own. I'm exhausted by this life.

I stood on the balcony until I had almost finished a whole packet of cigarettes. Then, I returned to the room and lay down beside Anay. The moment I lay down, her hand found mine and wrapped around me. Her warmth filled me with courage for the next day, and I closed my eyes.

"Anay," it was already past seven in the morning, and I was still struggling to wake up Anay, so I could leave for my class.

"Get up, I'll drop you off at your hostel before I head to my class," I called out from the kitchen.

"Shut your mouth and leave me alone!" She shouted back, pulling a blanket to cover her face. But I quickly went to the window and fully opened the curtains.

"Leo," she screamed as the rays of the sun hit her face.

"Get up, I'm taking you back to your dorm" I said as I ran to the kitchen because my omelet was burnt.

"Fuck you!" She shouted as she sat up in bed.

"Anay, be careful with your words," I looked at her angrily.

"Why? You can say it, but I can't?" She shot back.

"Yes, you can't, and don't try to get on my nerves early in the morning. I don't have time," I said, getting myself busy setting a plate for us.

"Go and freshen up; we are having breakfast," I added.

"Uhhh!" She groaned as she forcefully headed for the bathroom. When she came out, I was having my breakfast.

I shook my head in helplessness when I saw her wrapping white towels around her body.

I had prepared her clothes on the bed, so she began to put them on.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" she asked as she took a seat for breakfast.

"I have an assignment to finish," I said, filling my mouth with food.

"An assignment or to meet someone?" she said, and I looked at her, narrowing my eyes.

"At first, I was waiting for you to speak, but it seems you won't, so I'm going to tell," she said, her eyes fixed on me.

"I saw you and Alex kissing last night," she said with a wink, and I choked on my food. Anay laughed at my reaction.

"I was suspicious that something was going on between you two, but I wasn't sure until I saw you together," she said as she took a bite.

I looked at her, speechless. Now, I finally understood why she was acting so affectionate with me in the car last night. Usually, she's always fighting with me.

"Nothing is going on between us. Just forget about what you saw last night," I said before taking another bite.

"Why? I clearly saw the way Alex was looking at you. He's clearly in love with you," she said, making me choke again.

"Damn," I cursed under my breath and reached for water.

"Leo, mind your words," Anay shot back at my language. I drank water with my eyes closed and put down the glass.

"I said there's nothing going on between us, and there won't be. We were just messing around. So stay out of this and don't even think about getting involved with Alex and his friends. I'm warning you," I said, pushing my empty plate away.

"But I'm so happy for you. I know what kind of person Alex is, but he genuinely loves you. He was burning with jealousy last night when we were together," she said excitedly.

I slammed my hands on the table, making her flinch in fear.
"I'm telling you for the last time. There is nothing going on between us, and there won't be in the future, so stay out of this. This is not for you to worry about. Just focus on your studies," I was so angry that I completely lost my cool with her. She was no less than me. We both had bad tempers.

"Fine, you don't have to shout at me. I don't care about what you do in your life," she retorted before throwing a plate on the ground and storming out of the room.

I was in awe for a moment and realized that I had lost my temper again. I quickly grabbed my keys, bags, and her bag, and followed her.

"I'm sorry, I was just..." When we were outside, I tried to speak, but she shot me an angry glare, and I shut my mouth.

I knew this wasn't the time to speak; it would only add fuel to the fire. Usually, I would put a helmet on her, but she didn't even let me touch it today.

I had brought my bike back early in the morning. Even sitting on the bike, she kept her distance from me and didn't say a word.

After a while, I stopped the bike in front of the medical hostel, and Anay got off, taking her bag.

"Anay," I tried to speak with her, but she walked away. I felt uneasiness in my heart seeing her leave in anger, but I couldn't do anything.

I cursed myself for shouting at her. Now I had to go through a long ordeal to make things right.

I drove from there to my college. The day passed as usual with Jake's meaningless jokes, Max's innocent questions about Jake's jokes, and Sarah's high IQ scolding.

It was getting dark, and we were busy with some assignments in the college library when suddenly my phone vibrated with a notification.

I took it out and opened it. It was a message from Anay on Instagram. But when I opened it, my head exploded in anger.

She had sent me pictures of Alex and his group. They were having dinner. I quickly called Anay.

She answered after just two rings. "Where are you? I'm coming to pick you up," I said, collecting my books.

My friends watched me in confusion.

"You don't need to worry about me. I'm having fun with my new friends," then she hung up. I felt my head spin in anger.

I really hated that group, so I didn't want Anay to get involved with them.

They were surely not good people. They were trying to get closer to Anay because she is related to me. They just wanted to torture me.

"I'm leaving," I told my friends and walked away from there, not bothering to hear them.

I had fixed the GPS on Anay's phone, so I easily found out where she was. I started my bike and drove there.

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