2: Rivalry

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After the lecture, we gathered outside the classroom. 

Sarah was animatedly discussing a challenging problem, her enthusiasm infectious. 

Jake was his usual cheerful self, always eager to jump into random debates.

 Mark, the quietest of the bunch, was lost in thought. 

"Hey, Leo, want to grab a coffee?" Sarah asked, breaking my reverie.

"Sure, sounds good," I replied, falling into step beside her. 

"For me usual" Jack shouted followed by Max. "For me too"

I wave my hand towards them and we walk to the coffee shop. 

The coffee shop was a cozy spot with the comforting aroma of brewed coffee. 

We got our coffee and back to our table. 

As we sipped our coffee and delved into discussions about our next projects and assignments. 

After the day concluded, I bid farewell to my friends and made my way towards the parking lot where my black bike was stationed. 

The chatter and laughter of students filled the air as everyone dispersed, leaving the campus bustling with life.

As I walked towards my bike, my thoughts already drifting towards my work because I was already late for my bartender job and I suddenly heard my name being called.

"Leo," came the voice, firm yet friendly. I turned to see Professor Mia approaching, carrying a few books in her arms.

"Yes, professor?" I replied a mix of respect and curiosity in my tone. She offered a warm smile and extended the books towards me. "Could you take these to the medical building and deliver them to Professor Lisa for me?" Professor Mia asked, her request straightforward and accompanied by a sense of trust.

Without a moment's hesitation, I nodded. "Yeah, sure. I'll make sure they get there," I assured her, taking the books carefully and tucking them under my arm.

Professor Mia expressed her gratitude, appreciating my willingness to assist.

 "Thank you, Leo. It's a great help," she said, her gaze reflecting appreciation for the gesture. I nodded again, acknowledging her words. It felt good to be acknowledged for something beyond the assumed persona of a rebel.

With the books securely tucked under my arm, I made my way towards my trusty black bike, parked a short distance away. The engine roared to life as I swung my leg over the saddle, feeling the familiar vibration that came with the territory of being a rider.

From the engineering block to the medical building, it would have been a five-minute walk, but time was of the essence. I needed to reach the medical block swiftly, so I decided to let my bike do what it did best - carry me swiftly and efficiently.

The cool evening air rushed past me, clearing my mind and invigorating my senses. Within a few minutes, I arrived at the medical building. 

 The architecture shifted, exuding a different vibe from the engineering block.

With the helmet safely perched on my bike, I gathered the books and shouldered my bag. I walked towards the entrance of the medical building, a realm distinct from the mechanical world I was accustomed to. The scent of antiseptic and the hushed atmosphere felt foreign yet intriguing.

As I hurried through the hallway, my mind preoccupied with thoughts, an unexpected collision threw me off balance. My books clattered to the floor, and I looked up, ready to apologize. However, as our eyes met, a surge of frustration and anger coursed through me. It was Alex, my arch-nemesis, the person I despised the most.

"Watch where you're going, loser," he spat out, the disdain dripping from his words. My jaw clenched, teeth gritted in frustration, but I chose to maintain my composure. Responding to his provocation wouldn't solve anything.

I gathered my books and stood up, meeting his gaze with determination.

"I suggest you do the same, Alex. We both have places to be," I replied, my voice laced with controlled restraint. Deep down, I wished for a truce, a chance to break free from this cycle of enmity. But pride and years of animosity stood as formidable barriers.

The tension simmered an invisible force crackling between us. Alex's eyes narrowed, his pride stung by my response.

 "You should learn some respect, loser" he sneered. 

My temper flared at the insult, a rare reaction for me. "Respect is earned, not inherited," I shot back. 

In that tense moment, Alex's two friends Aiden and Ethan appeared, their expressions a mix of surprise and disbelief as they saw me. 

I felt a surge of defiance. Alex stepped closer, attempting to exert his dominance, but his attempt only fueled my resolve.

"Don't forget where you are. This is my area," he whispered, trying to intimidate me. But the years of enduring his taunts and condescension had hardened me, giving me the strength to stand tall against his attempts at belittlement.

I couldn't help but laugh at his audacity. My laughter seemed to pierce through his ego, and I saw his expression falter momentarily. "Area for the dog, not for the lion. And I'm the lion," I retorted, punctuating my words with a wink and a smirk.

With that, I brushed past him, leaving him momentarily stunned and his friends in an awkward silence. Walking away, I felt a mixture of satisfaction and adrenaline. It was a small victory, but it was a victory nonetheless. This wasn't the first time and I knew this wouldn't be the last clash between us too. But I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Our history was a tapestry of conflicts and animosity, a rivalry that had grown over time.

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