Jerk -5

495 18 9

I kept walking until I finally reached the art classrooms. I looked down to my schedule to check the room number, "349" okay that's to my left. I went to the left to see nobody there, was I early or was I in the wrong place? Questions kept running and shouting in my head when someone spoke up.
"Dumbass do you not see the sign that says to meet in room 239". I looked behind me to see a tall boy with brown and red hair. His jaw was very sharp and his skin was flawless. Why does everyone have clear skin!!Im jealous.
"Yeah I know I'm handsome but can you stop staring and follow me". He said while rolling his eyes at me.
"Yeah no you I was staring cause you look alright", I lied, he didn't just look alright he looked fine!

I followed him until we finally reached the room.
"There you two are please sit down anywhere". The teacher said while writing something down, probably how we both were late. I looked around the room to see many seats taken but there was a table with another person and two available seats.
"Are you just going to stand there or sit with me"? The boy told me and grabbed my wrist to drag me to the free seats. While he was dragging me I spotted my childhood friend laying his head down. I guess he was taking a nap. I immediately jerked my hand back and walked to my best friend.

"Jake wake up~". I said while sitting down. He was slowly waking up until I saw someone standing over me. I turned around to see that boy again.
"What are you doing you're supposed to sit with me",he said while rolling his eyes at me,rude. Before I could ask why I had to sit with him I felt muscular arms wrapped around my waist and a head in my right shoulder.

"Oh (y/n) you're so warm.." he was immediately cut off by the other unknown boy.
"Hey don't touch her like that, she's uncomfortable". The boy said while trying to reach for my hand, but was immediately stopped by jake almost twisting his hand.
"Back off man she's my girlfriend, so I can touch her however I want and WHO ARE YOU". Jake said while still holding the boy's hand.
The boy was shocked and immediately re-drawed his hand back and scoffed while he walked away.
"Who was that darling"? Jake said with one of his hands still on my waist.

"I don't know he just helped me to get here", I said while still looking shocked about what happened. "Well, stay away I don't like him", Jake said while grumbling to himself and finally took his hand off my waist.

The class went pretty slow and worst of all Jake kept saying something under his breath and I couldn't really tell what he was saying. I wanted to ask but that would be invading his privacy so I just shrugged it off and started looking around the classroom only to spot the mysterious boy glancing my way.

When the bell rang me and Jake were walking to lunch until I heard someone yell behind me.


I immediately got tackled into a back hug and by the aura surrounding me I could tell it was my best friend Nayeon.

"Nayeon how are you"?
"I'm great after I get to see you, who am I kidding I missed you so much".
"I missed you to"

We talked on our way to the cafeteria to get lunch and sit at a table. We finally decided to sit outside since the weather was beautiful today. After we sat down Felix, Seugmin, Lisa and Jay joined us with their own lunches.

"Hey can someone come with me to get a snack"?, I said while standing up. Jake agreed to come with me, so we walked to the snack line.
"(Y/n)"? I looked at the person in front of me I could recognize that soft blue hair anywhere it was Taehyun.

"Oh Taehyun hey how was football practice"?
"It was alright how was art"?
"It was nice but I met someone not that nice". I said while thinking about that boy,ugh he was a jerk. After I said that I swear I saw taehyun's eyes have hatred and a nasty glare that could kill someone.

"Who was it, I swear I'll show him", he growled loudly until he saw me that I was shocked he changed his face to a hatred one to a happy one. "Sorry about that", he looked guilty.
I was about to say that it was okay until I felt Jake back hug me tightly almost like I was his possession.

"Hey don't forget about me (y/n)".
"And who may you be to act so touchy to her", Taehyun did not look happy those words he just uttered spitted out venom.

"I'm her boyfriend and I..". "I swear to god Jake please stop saying that, I can protect myself plus Taehyun is my friend". After I said those words I could feel Taehyun smiling and shutter a laugh out. Jake was very sad when I said that but after he heard Taehyun laugh Jake was furious. I could tell his jaw tightened when he was angry.
It was very uncomfortable and unpleasant to be stuck between the two it felt like they knew each other and hated each other's guts.

Why the FUCK is Taehyun with her and who the FUCK is hugging my (y/n)!

Yeonjun POV
Why is (y/n) with them when she can be hanging out with me:(

Beomgyu POV
I FUCKING HATE YOU (Y/N) why are you ON MY MIND 24/7!

All ready meet 4 people damn (y/n) you MUST be beautiful to earn their LOVE.:)

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