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That was weird and very uncomfortable.

After what happend I snatched my phone away and sat farther as possible away from him. I don't even know what got into him but we are not going to repeat this ever again.

Finally after sitting there for a long uncomfortable silence the bell rang indicating that it was time to pack up and go to our next destined class.

I was hoping Soobin wouldn't follow me to my class but surprisingly he left before me. I guess he felt uncomfortable too. Whatever.

Soobin POV
FUCK! What did I just do.
She was so close to me that I could hear her heartbeat and smell her intoxicated smell that still lingered on my clothes.
You know, I was proud of myself for actaully controlling myself. I would've kissed her passionately while holding her very close to me. Hmm maybe next time I'll try that. She won't mind will she. I mean she loves me doesn't she.

Y/n) POV
I forgot I had English with Kai and Beomgyu.
I didn't really mind Kai since he wasn't that bad but still I had to be wary of him. Just because he looks innocent doesn't mean he is. I learned that the hard way, but on the other hand Beomgyu was a huge red flag for me. He was the first one I needed to avoid the most other than yeonjun. I rated them on how dangerous they were. Beomgyu was first yeonjun was second, Soobin was third and Taehyun was fourth, and lastly Kai.

The teacher rearranged our seating charts due to students leaving and coming. He separated me and the other two away from each other. Finally, some peace from now on this teacher will be my favorite!! I took out some books and began to read. He sat me in the front so I couldn't really take my phone out. I would get caught but the other two were sitting by each other with some other girl.

She was very pretty. She had golden blonde hair with the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. She was short probably around 5'4. She was in the right side while Beomgyu was in the left, and Kai in the middle.

I guess she was lucky to not sit side by side with Beomgyu.

Her cheeks were heating up, I guess she must have a crush on one of them. She shouldn't though...they aren't normal as they look like.

My thought were interrupted when the teacher started talking about projects. He said we would make a presentation about languages and who uses them.

"You will have the upcoming two weeks to finish this with your table mates". "Don't start wining, the people you are sitting with are going to be your partners whether you like it or not".

"Y'all may work now"!

Table mates? I looked to my right to see a boy and a girl already talking to each other. Sigh. Do I have to talk to them first. I can see they are already friends plus I'm not so good with talking to other people.

I was about to tap the guys shoulder when he turned around and smiled at me.

"Hey your our partner too! My name is wooyoung and she is ryujin"!

"Oh hello my name is (y/n) it's so nice to meet you Wooyoung and Ryujin".

"The pleasure is all mine but we should start with this project just to get it over with".

"Sounds like a plan".

We started talking about the project and about ourselves a bit. They seemed like fun people to be around with. I think I made some new friends. I'm so happy............

But I'm not doll.
I ain't either wahine.

Ps: Wahine is Women for Hawaiian!!

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