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I looked at him; shocked, what was he doing here of all places. The manager nudged me to introduce myself properly. I was hesitant, but complied nevertheless.

"Hello my name is (Y/n),: I will be your trainer and guide for this week." I said anxiously.
He looked at me; however, he glanced at me like he missed me. He stood up straight, arching his shoulders back showing his muscles and biceps.

Your trying to hard to impress me. -Thoughts-

I laughed in my head. It was hilarious! Does he think just because he showed up I will fall to my knees and plead for mercy?!

"Hello...(Y/N), I'm grateful for you helping me."

I threw him a fake smile.
"No problem."
"I hope we get along," He said.

As soon as the manager left; my face went neutral.

People always told me how amazing I could switch from one mood to another. They said they found that hard to do, but it was fairly easy for me. I guess I had a Bipolar Side? -Thoughts-

"What are you doing here," I say bitterly; crossing my arms.
"Well I'm here to work, aren't I? He looked at me with a teasing smile.
I growled, "Don't get Fucking cocky with me, tell me why you're here of all places!"
He pouted, "Your so mean, you haven't changed one bit!" I roll my eyes and laugh: "And you have?!"
His smile instantly faded away hearing my nasty comment. I smirked at this.
"What, angry that I'm right?"
He hesitated in finding an answer: " Look I know I Fucked up our relationship, but I'm a better person trust me, it's not like I want to get back with you."

I hummed in response.
"Either way if you did I would've rejected, plus it's all in the past, all I ask is for you; is to not get in my way." I grabbed him by the collar since he was my height.
"Got it?" He nodded in response. I let his collar go. "Good." I walked away towards the front putting my happy facade on; as I get the customers orders.

I fucked up didn't I?....

Taehyun POV

I was at the gym working out lower body. I had so much anger in me that the only way I could release the anger was to work out. That's how I got rid of stress.

-2 hours-

It was 9:30 pm. I looked at my Apple Watch looking at the time.

I'm hungry...I could go home and cook something or..I could visit (y/n)'s apartment and cook there.

I didn't really feel like stalking my love, so I walked towards my bike putting my helmet on. Driving to a restaurant I knew would be open at this time.

I'll give (y/n) I break for today. If I see her....i might release my anger on her...not physically but mentally.


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