Having Kids? - Part 3

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"Ella...have you decided about this?", Albert looked straight at her for he could not wait longer to know his wife's decision.

Ella knew what he meant and it was time to tell him the truth. "...Yes...", she said in a dejected tone.

Albert felt confused when Ella said 'yes' to him, and he felt his heart beating fast at the moment. "Ella...", he was now feeling anxious for her confirmation, "...can you tell me what is it...is it a 'yes, I will never' or a 'yes, I changed my mind'?"

Ella looked at him scared in the eyes... and nodded her head saying no.

Albert looked dismayed at her answer; he didn't say anything for a few seconds and he looked away for a second. "Ella... this really...really hurts...but I respect your decision, my love.", he finally spoke. "I'm not a perfect husband...", he cleared his throat before continuing, "...but...I will still love you."

"A-...are you...mad?", Ella felt afraid if she lost her husband by telling him the truth.

Albert - still not looking at Ella's eyes - said, "I would not call myself that...but...I just...I just feel frustrated and sad about the situation, to be honest."

Ella felt crushed about this; she wanted to console her husband but she wasn't sure how, "I'm...I'm sorry...do you...do you want to be alone for now?..."

Albert sighed, still feeling down, "...I think that it would be better if we could stay alone for a time, my love..."

Ella felt sad and she gave her husband some space. She hesitantly got up from the sofa and exited the room.


It was getting late at night, yet everyone in the Moriarty gang's still lively awake. Albert's now watching Moran and Bonde's bickering from where he's seated since he's trying to distract himself from thinking about the past conversation he had with his wife.

But as for Ella, she couldn't enjoy the dynamic duo of the two because she could still feel the tension with her husband.

After a few minutes, he felt his wife's presence behind him and got a little nervous. "Ella...", he called out to her in a gentle way and didn't change his tone in order to avoid any issues, "...could you please sit next to me?"

Ella meekly followed his request. As she sat down, she tried to shrink herself - not taking up much space.

"Ella, ...remember that I told you I will always love you, right?", he really felt that he needed to talk to her again after the talk they had in the afternoon.

Ella nodded her head in agreement, but she was still not convinced.

Albert took her hands in his and sighed, "Ella, my love, ...I won't blame you about what you decided today. I want you to know that I appreciate your honesty.", he squeezed her hands, "I may look sad and disappointed right now, but I'm really glad that you were sincere with me."

Ella felt relieved at her husband's words, and she's eternally grateful that her husband is very understanding! She held his hands firmly in return and leaned onto his shoulder.

Albert smiled at her, still holding her hands. "You still have me, my love...", he then kissed her forehead to show his appreciation. "I love you so much, Ella. Please...don't get so sad; I'm just worried about your decision, that's all. But at least you have now your freedom. You can do whatever you want to do, my love."

"I love you so much, Albert...", Ella whispered before kissing his cheek.

"I will love you until the end of my life, my love", he then kissed her once again and he got a little closer to her. "You know that I would never leave you, right?", he still had to remind his wife about this even though he already told her the same thing countless times before.

However, their intimacy was interrupted when Moran watched them from afar and teasingly said, "Get a roooooooom!"

It made Ella chuckle and throw a pillow at him in defense. Albert laughed and he was glad to see his wife smiling again.

 Albert laughed and he was glad to see his wife smiling again

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Short Stories w/ Albert James MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now