Chapter 38

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Ness soaked in the warm, scented water, trying not to dwell on old memories. Unfortunately, ignoring old memories meant thinking about the present, and that was also an intense place to be right now. She soaked until her fingers turned wrinkly. She still didn't feel relaxed.

I should finish. Wait... we still haven't decided what room I'm sleeping in.

She let out a long groan and slipped back into the tub until her head was submerged under water. What am I going to do? This is a minefield. She held her breath, a bubble or two occasionally escaping her lips and breaking for the surface, and silently fretted. Their cover was that of a travelling physician and his assistant. She was supposed to be playing a dutiful wife. But which of them is supposed to be my fake husband? Did we ever decide that?


I hope they don't want me to decide.

Ness stayed under the water, all external sound blurred, until her lungs burned for air. She resurfaced in a burst of water droplets, hands gripping the side of the tub, and took a deep breath. Inhale. Hold. Exhale. A long, frustrated sigh echoed through the bathroom. Alright, Ness. Just put on your big girl pants. She climbed out of the tub, dried off quickly, and pulled on her robe.

We're all adults here. We can discuss this like adults. Right?

When she finally slipped back through the door of Ieyasu's room, she found them both where she had left them, but now they had a bottle of sake and a game of Go between them. Ieyasu sat cross-legged, his head bowed over the board, bronze kimono and blond hair gleaming like precious metals in the warm lamplight. He looked up when she entered, and his bright green eyes widened a fraction. Then he bowed his head again, placing a smooth black stone on the board with a click, and let out a quiet sigh.

「We were starting to wonder if you had drowned,」said Ieyasu.

「I know how to swim, Ieyasu. Not that I'd need to in a bathtub.」

Wait! Stop! Arguing is not the right way to start an adult conversation. Ness bit her bottom lip and tried to think of a non-awkward way to bring this up. No. I've got nothing. Mitsuhide's soft, knowing laughter drew her eyes to him. He was reclining, more relaxed than Ieyasu, his face cast in shadow. As she watched, he placed a white stone on the board with elegant precision, then his gaze lifted. The flickering lamplight cast flames through those golden eyes.

「You have something you want to say,」said Mitsuhide.

Well, "want" is a very strong word in this context. A smile twitched at the corners of the kitsune's mouth, and she sighed. Big girl pants, Ness.

「Just... uh... where do I sleep?」

There you go. That wasn't so hard, was it? Mitsuhide burst out laughing, sounding utterly delighted, and turned a gaze on Ieyasu that was almost... triumphant.

「I told you she was fretting,」said Mitsuhide.

Ieyasu sighed, 「Hmph.」

The kitsune turned a teasing smile back to her, 「The victor has not yet been decided, little mouse.」

Wait. This is why you're playing Go? Ness wasn't entirely sure how to feel about that. At least they're not duelling to the death out in the street, I suppose. Ieyasu quietly adjusted a piece on the board. He sat back with a resigned look on his face.

「Yes, it has,」said Ieyasu.

Mitsuhide glanced at the board and his smile grew wider, 「Ah, so I see. How... unusual.」

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