Chapter 59

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Ness pushed Mitsuhide to move faster, her hand pulling him along without any hesitation. She was more than a little afraid that he was just going to collapse and expire before they got where they needed to be. She didn't dare stop and tempt fate.

They spoke very little as she dragged him along the hallways, conserving whatever breath Mitsuhide had left by silent agreement. They exchanged words only when Mitsuhide provided directions, guiding her unerringly towards the goal as if he'd been here before. She didn't question it. She'd learned not to ask questions she didn't want to know the answer to.

"Are we close?"

Mitsuhide gasped, "Next... corridor."

"Do you think they're expecting..."

Ness didn't finish her question. It was answered for her when they rounded the corner. Fuck. There were four soldiers standing at attention at the end of the corridor, guarding the otherwise ordinary door that lay there. Mitsuhide's hand trembled in hers as she pulled them both to a sharp stop out of sight. He didn't stumble, but he was far from steady. He can barely walk or breathe... how can he fight like that?

"How... many?" he asked quietly.

She took a deep breath, keeping her voice to a barely audible murmur, "Four. Heavy armour. Three swords and one... is that... a pike?! That seems... excessive."

That is some medieval shit right there. Mitsuhide let out a soft, amused snort, and she couldn't help but think that it really wasn't the appropriate time for him to be laughing at her ignorance.

"Um... to be honest, Mitsuhide... they don't look that friendly."

Major understatement.

Mitsuhide closed his unfocused amber eyes for just a moment. A familiar expression crossed his face, one that sent an uncomfortable shudder through her spine, and she knew what he was going to suggest before he even opened his mouth. The grip of his ice-cold fingers on her hand loosened.

"Hide," he said softly, "Wait... for Ieyasu."

"Not a fucking chance," she hissed.

Ness gripped his hand in hers before he could attempt to break away from her. She tugged on it, just a little, drawing closer to him. She inhaled his scent as she stood on tiptoe, allowing it to calm her racing, panicked heart. She brought her mouth to his ear.

"I will not fucking hide. Guide and shield, remember?"


She lifted her right hand, pressed a finger to his lips, and cut him off before that seductive tone could do any damage. She took a deep breath. Inhale. Hold. Exhale. She drew so close that her lips almost touched the fine hairs on his earlobe.

"Did he give you his permission?"

She felt his lips grazing her fingertip as his mouth opened, to speak or groan or who knows what, but no sound emerged from him. No denial. No acknowledgement. She wondered if she had managed to render him speechless.

"Back in the hallway. Well? Did he?"

Did he give you his permission to die, Mitsuhide? Is that what he said to you?

She felt no guilt, tugging on the complicated strands of the relationship between Mitsuhide and Ieyasu to get what she wanted. She didn't claim to fully understand it but... she had the sense that Mitsuhide had a desire not to disappoint the other man. I get that. I know what that feels like.

She tilted her head and watched his profile calmly as the mask he wore to disguise everything from her slipped away, leaving behind a man who was both forlorn and... strangely hopeful. He bowed his head, rapid breath shivering hotly across her ear.

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