Part 48

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Allison's POV

I wake up at 8 and get dressed, molly is still asleep so I'm going to let her.

I do my teeth and light makeup before heading out of my room to grab something that dear Jake has stolen from me

Your probably wondering what has Jake stolen from you? And the answer to that is one of my hoodies.

Yes I know normally girls steal hoodies from people but Jake saw my hoodie when I was packing before I left to the bathroom and when I came back it was gone.

He told me i have no clue what your on about, but I think he likes it because it's black and has a black snake on the back, it's also absolutely oversized because why not?

I reach his dorm and unlock it, I'm just saying but if I had to break into someone's house I would be sorted.

Anyway I walk in to see Jake sitting in his bed on his phone, and mattheo's bed is empty?

Wait no I shouldn't care if his beds empty, he cheated on me we are over.

"Jake where's the hoodie"

He looks up at me with a smile on his face "I already told you I have no clue"

I go to his draws and start pulling out all of his hoodies and jumpers until I find it. "Aha i new you took it"

I stand up to his smile dropped "how, I put that under at least 20 hoodies"

I walk over to him while saying "well brother, unlike you I know how to hide things, if your trying to hide a hoodie don't keep it with the other hoodies"

He sighs "it was putting it in my draws or mattheo's I should of put it in his, you wouldn't look in his draws"

I swallow a gulp in my throat "i yeah I wouldn't look in my ex's draws because that would be weird and stalkerish. Anyway I have what I need so I'm going to go"

I get up and walk around his bed, when the bathroom door opens and out walks a half naked Mattheo.

He sees me and stops, "I will see you later Jake bye" I say quickly getting the hell out of their.

Mattheo's POV

I get out of the shower and hear Jake talking to someone, I put in my towel and twist the door handle before walking into the room.

And I see her. she looks pretty, why did I kiss that other girl, I mean look at how stunning Allison is.

She looks at me before looking back at Jake "I will see you later Jake bye"

Then she walks out the door, no basically runs out of the door.

"Will she ever forgive me?" I ask him

He looks at me with sadness "I think you have a long journey ahead of you, she is doing everything to avoid you and make you miss her"

I sit on my bed "but I do miss her, that's the problem. Every night since then I've missed her, I had to tell Molly what I did and do you think it was nice to see how upset my own sister got at me. It made me feel like a monster, I felt like I was turning into my father"

"Your not turning into your father, I mean I thought I killed my parents but turns out your father did, you would never intentionally hurt her like that unlike your father"

I sigh "I'm sorry about your parents I know that they were bitches to your sister but my father shouldn't have made you believe you killed them"

"It's fine, its in the past, but my sister is the one we need to focus on"

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