#27 You Take Selfies on His Phone

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Graser : You were just on the floor playing with Max when you saw Graser's phone laying down on the floor. You quickly grabbed it and entered his password. You went to his camera app and started just taking normal selfies but then and idea popped in your head. You grabbed Max from the floor and started taking selfies. You took one last selfie with you smiling while you held Max before Graser walked in. You dropped his phone and put Max down. " What are you doing? " he asked laughing at you slightly. " Nothing. " I said giggling lightly. He grabbed his phone from where it had landed. He looked through it then he saw all my selfies. He laughed at my silly nature before pulling me to his lap. " I'm making that my lock screen later. " he said.

Hbomb : You tapped your foot impatiently waiting for Liam to get back from the bathroom. Your phone had died about a few minutes ago and you were getting bored. Then suddenly you thought about something. You had Liam's phone because he said he was going to be back quick so you just started taking selfies on his phone. You were chewing on gum so you blew a bubble and snapped a quick photo. You felt arms wrap around your waist and you turned your head. " Hey. " you said seeing Liam. " What were you doing? " he asked taking his phone from you. He looked through it and saw all the selfies you took. He laughed at you before kissing your cheek.

Bayani : You were sitting inside the car waiting for Jordan to fill the car up with gas. You were making faces at him through the window with him laughing at you. He knocked on the window and you put it down. " I'm going to grab a coke inside. " He said before pecking you on the lips. You nodded and started waking to the store. You just left the window open because it was hot inside the car. You grabbed Jordan's phone seeing it on the passenger seat. You started taking selfies on it quickly before fixing your hair and holding up a peace sign. You heard the car door open and Jordan appeared. You blushed before putting his phone down. " You know I could see you from the window. " he said laughing at your red face.

Kiingtong : You sat on the couch waiting for Will to come back from the bathroom so you could continue your movie night. You were getting bored so you just took Will's phone and started taking selfies. This was a normal thing for you to do he didn't mind that much. You took on selfie with you sticking your tongue out and holding out a rock n' roll sign. You heard the bathroom door open and Will came out. He looked at you and saw that you were holding his phone. He shook his head and said, " You know that my phone is going to run out of space because of how many pictures you take. ". You laughed at him before saying, " But you love me so it doesn't matter. ".

Rusher : It was 6 am and you were laying down on Brayden's bed scrolling through his phone. He was still deep asleep next to you. Also your phone was all the way across the room so you just played with his. You ended up being bored just scrolling through twitter so you started taking selfies. You scrunched up one half of your hair to hide half of you face and snapped a picture. You suddenly felt Brayden's arms wrap around your waist. " You're so adorable. " you heard Brayden's morning voice beside you. He laughed slightly at your red face before pecking you on the lips.


i'm going to write for the rest that is missing but i just wanted to get something out right now ^-^

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