#12 He Hits You

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Bayani : Today you were going downtown to meet up with an old friend of yours and since Bayani was in Boston for Pax East you didn't have anything to worry about. A couple hours later you were finally home. You went to open the door when you saw a light inside. Weird you thought you had remembered shutting off the lights. You slowly walked inside and relief flooded you when you saw it was Jordan. " Hey why are you home so early? " You weren't sad or anything more shocked he wasn't supposed to be home for another couple of days. " I was going to surprise you but you weren't home " He said harshly. You were taken back by his attitude. " Sorry I was out with a friend " You said then continued , " plus i didn't know you were going to be home ". You were heading upstairs when he said something. " Who were you with? " He asked. " A friend back from high school " You replied. " Acting as if I didn't find out you were cheating on me " He scoffed. " I wasn't cheating on you " You said harshly, " he's just a friend " " Sure a friend, god I knew you were a slut " He said. Tears were now brimming you eyes he was never this rude to you. " Gosh you're such an asshole " You said. He was now walking up to you and before you could say anything he had hit you. It hurt like hell and you knew there was a mark. A sob escaped your mouth. You saw guilt wash over his face. " (y/n) I-I'm sorry. Fans saw pictures on twitter of you guys together and started saying you were cheating on me a-and I believed them " He tried explaining. Tears rolled down your face as you sat on the floor knees up to your chest. He sat down next to you and pulled you onto his lap.

Kiingtong : Today was your 1 year anniversary and you had been preparing dinner all day. You had also spent a lot of time wrapping his present. He had left earlier but you thought he was going to do something for your anniversary. So you had been sitting here here for the past 2 hours waiting for him. When you knew he wasn't coming you threw the food away and started washing the dishes tears rolling down your face. He now stumbled in the house smelling like alcohol and lipstick smeared on him. " God you're such an asshole. " You screamed at him " Shut up I have a headache. " He said. " It's our anniversary and you spent it in a club. " You screamed. " I don't even know why I came home. (his/ex/name) wasn't like that at all. " He said back. " Wow, compare me to your ex asshole. " You said while grabbing your keys and heading for the door. When you were at the door he grabbed your wrist tightly. " Was I done talking to you? " He said. " Ow, Will let go of me. " You said. You now felt pain in your body. Tears were forming in your eyes. Now suddenly becoming sober he realized his mistake. " (y/n) oh god I'm so sorry. " He said. He tried touching you but you backed away. Tears now falling from your eyes you got up ignoring the pain you walked past him and to the door. " Don't ever try to talk to me again. " You said as you left.

Rusher : A sob escaped your lips as he packed. You had just told him you has a relationship with another guy in the middle of your relationship it being a long time ago you felt like you had to say it to him. " Brayden please. You said trying to stop him. " No I'm going to leave if you thought you could cheat on me. " He said with anger in his voice. " It was when our relationship was complicated I broke up with him when we got serious again. " You tried explaining. " Just stop. " He said fully packed. " And to think I loved you. You are such a slut. " A sob escaped your lips as he said that. You tried blocking him but he had hit you into the wall. You felt pain in you body. " Please don't leave I love you. " You said trying to get up. " Oh (y/n). " He once he saw you. He dropped his things and went to help you.

i wrote on for dolphin but it's super long so i may post it as a imagine

also thoughts on uhc???

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