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"Mom, why can't I meet Jay?" Zola asked, annoyed. "Because it's Sunday, you know that Sunday is our family Day and we haven't had it in a long time." Meredith replied sternly. "Well whose fault was that?" Zola asked sarcastically. "I'm sorry that Dad got sick last week and that we had to work the weekends before that. We didn't plan that. Once Dad is back from work we are going." Meredith said loudly. "Do you really think he's coming home before it's dark?" Zola asked. "I don't know but I hope so." Meredith replied calmly. "Well then I can meet Jay, if you don't know if we can go." Zola smiled and was about to walk out of the door. "Zola Grey-Shepherd, you are staying home." Meredith snapped. "I hate you, you are the worst mom in the world." Zola yelled as she stormed upstairs and slammed her door shut. "Mom?" "Yeah Ellie?" "Can I meet some friends?" "Not today." Meredith sighed, she hoped that Ellis wouldn't snap at her too. "Why?" She asked. "Because it's our family day." Meredith replied sternly. "You are so unfair. I never can meet with my friends. You are so annoying. You are the worst person." Ellis yelled before storming upstairs as well. "Ellis." Meredith yelled but got no answer. Her heart broke as she realized what her daughters had said to her. She always tried to avoid being like her own mother, she just hoped that Derek would finish his surgery soon.


Derek stepped into the house, it was already dark outside. The surgery was complicated. A father got shot into the stomach, when he fell he hit his head on the table. Together with Miranda he operated hours on him, but he died. He was devastated; he just wanted to save the man. He couldn't save his own dad, so he just wanted to save the father. "Mer?" Derek asked as he entered the living room where Meredith was watching TV, the kids weren't watching TV which was weird. "Meri?" Derek asked as he got no answer. "Where have you been?" Meredith asked sternly. "The surgery ran long. I'm so sorry. The patient kept coding, I couldn't text you. The patient got-" "The kids and I waited, we wanted to do our walk, but you weren't there. The kids are mad at me and at you." Meredith snapped, Derek tried to grab her hands but she moved away. "Why are the kids mad at you?" Derek asked gently. "They wanted to meet their friends, but they couldn't because you said we would go on our walk once again." Meredith began to raise her voice. "I'm sorry that I got paged. I didn't plan on that. I'm really-" Derek got cut off by Meredith. "I know that you are sorry, but you could've at least sent me a message, so that I and the kids would have gone alone, but no, your job is more important to you." Meredith yelled as she stood up. "No, you and the kids are way more important, you know that. I couldn't text and my phone was empty after I called you this morning, I promise I will make this up to you." Derek whispered, he really didn't want to fight, especially after today. "But Mer, did something else happen?" "You would know if you were here.." Meredith snapped. "Mer.." Derek sighed. "NO, you can sleep on the couch or somewhere else I don't care. I hate you right now. Don't even think about coming up here." She yelled, ignoring how Derek's eyes showed how his heart broke as she said these words. She went upstairs, shortly after she threw his pajamas and his pillow downstairs before slamming the bedroom door. Derek sat down on the couch. "I should've stayed here." Tears began to build up in his eyes. The memory of his Dad getting shot was back in his mind. He didn't want to fight with Meredith, he just wanted to go home, watch TV together and fall asleep in her arms, but his plan didn't work out. He sat on the couch and watched TV. "Dad, is everything okay?" Bailey asked as he reached his Dad. "Everything's just fine, Bails." Derek gave his 16-year old son a small smile. "Did you and mom fight?" Bailey asked quietly. "Don't worry about us. We are okay Bails. Sometimes parents fight a bit, but we still love each other." Derek explained. "Why are you sleeping on the couch then, you always apologize to each other before you go to sleep. You never sleep on the couch." "Well today I am sleeping here. Go to bed Bails, you have school tomorrow." Derek whispered before kissing Bailey's forehead. Normally Bailey would move away but he assumed that his Dad needed that comfort. "I love you Bails." Derek whispered. "I love you too Dad." Bailey smiled before he went up to his room.

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