
september 8th ✧ 1993

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"here." richie smiled, handing eddie a cup of hot cocoa. eddie wanted to tell richie the final thing he needed to say. he was going to say 'i love you' to richie today. he has to. but it had to be before anyone else could interrupt- speaking of which, who are richie's roommates?

"wait, richie, who are you rooming with?" eddie said from the bed as richie walked over with his own cup of hot cocoa. 

"just mike and will." richie replied as he slid into the bed next to eddie. 

"where are they?" eddie asked again, his brain only now realising that richie had changed out of his old outfit and into a tight t-shirt and some baggy sweat pants. holy shit. eddie felt his cheeks flush as he looked up and down richie's chest, only now recognizing that he could see his abs through the shirt. eddie always picture richie as a tall but lanky boy, with barely any muscle. (sorry richie) but this obviously meant that richie kept fit. 

"eddie?" richie said, sounding more alarmed. 


"i said they're out on a walk and i asked if you're okay, you've been staring." richie said as a furious blush spread onto eddie's face. staring. how can i not stare when the boy in front of me is absolutely gorgeous. this is it. this is the perfect time to tell him that i love him. 

"well, i mean, how can i not stare when you're so fucking hot? you know, it's unfair. it's unfair how beautiful and hot you've become since you returned. it's real inconsiderate, you know. trying to stop myself for feeling things for you, but having to wake up in your warm and loving arms in the morning. i love you richie. i always have, no matter how much i try to hide it, all my feelings are for you and for no one else."

"i'm hot, huh?" richie teased, reaching to take eddie's and his hot cocoa and put it away. 

"shut up, i just told you i loved you, dickface." eddie rolled his eyes, letting go of the hot cocoa.

"i love you too, spaghetti. always have. even when you first told me that you loved me. i just wasn't ready to tell the other's. but now i am. i want you. all of you. everywhere, everything."  

"everything?" eddie whispered back, leaning in closer to brush a finger against richie's soft lower lip. 

"everything, eds. everything and anything i can get." richie murmured before closing the gap. fireworks exploded in each of their stomachs, both yearning for more, pulling at anything they could grasp. richie wrapping his arm around eddie's waist and pulling him into his lap, eddie running his hands up and down richie's neck and chest. eddie trailed his kisses sloppily (but beautiful in richie's opinion) down richie's jaw and neck, picking a specific spot to leave a lovebite. 

"fuck, eds," richie hissed as eddie continued down. 

let's just say, their neighbours aren't going to sleep tonight. and it most definitely will not be the snow that will keep them up.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


anyway sorry for the short chapters but i need them to be sweet and short. 


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