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Many months passed haseena now trying more hardly to hide & behaving to be happy as she doesn't want her ammi to get worried for her again...

Likee this days were passing & then that hard disk came in haseena's hand & her life got in danger, and after looking what's in hard disk she understood that this hard disk is veryy important for the nation & she has to keep it safe no matter what & also decided not to envolve mpt in this as she did not wanted to risk their lives.... And she was thinking right this hard disk was really a threat to life....

      Haseena thought that now as this hard disk is with her the criminals will be behind her.. so she transfered the hard disk information in a usb & kept it safe & took the empty hard disk and left...she got shot by 3 bullets inorder to keep the nation safe... They shot her & took the hard disk but their whole plan got failed as the hard disk was empty and also they were now not able to find where the hard disk information is as that only haseena knows... haseena was ready to sacrifice her life but was not ready to risk her nation's safety.... Haseena's life was sacrificed in saving the nation....

The whole mpt, police department & obviously ammi was the one who was soo muchhh broken & sad knowing abt her death but every one were also veryy proud of her as she sacrificed her life for nation....But obviously ammi couldn't take in this much big trauma, she got heart attack & was admitted in hospital for many weeks as her health was not recovering because she was not willing to recover but mpt team & doctor's tried their every level best to make her health recover & finally after months her health got recovered... ammi's health got recovered but still she was not okay & obviously how can she be she lost her only reason of living, her daughter....

Many months passed but everyone was deep down veryyy saddd... The whole aura of mpt was changed their was no baiketi going on, there was no santu's masumiyat, no cheeta's uff ye masumiyat, no saas bahu nok jhok.... Only cases were being solved with jazbat.... And they requested department that they don't want any sho or incharge in mpt as they cannot give their maddam sir's place to anyone... And department also respected their request as haseena was really a very good officer...

Later as anubhav returned to Lucknow , he first went to mpt and getting the news of haseena's death he wasn't able to compose himself...he wasn't able to believe that he has lost her forever... he was feeling veryy angry on himself, that he hurted her & gave her so much pain to keep her safe but still he didn't keep her safe.... how could he let her die... how could he not protect her...

Later anubhav was given the dsp post back... There was not even one night were he didn't looked at her photo & cried his heart out missing her.... He had become a lifeless body... he was dying each second as he didn't safe his haseena... Everyone's life from ammi , anubhav to mpt members got stopped since haseena's death now everyone was just solving cases & living a life without any fun or happiness...

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