Chapter One

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A flower pot shatters; dirt, glass and now broken roses scattering all over the floor.
The young woman who'd dropped it agitatedly threw her head back and aggressively grabbed underneath her eyes, pulling her skin. It was the third one she'd broken that week.
"I'm so getting fired," she muttered.
She left to retrieve a dust pan. When she picked it up she could see her reflection slightly.
Her dirty blonde hair was tied into a high pony tail, her green eyes were exhausted, and had almost no life to them. She had a light brown cap on with a matching apron over her uniform. Her name tag read 'Quinn Fabray'. 
Once Quinn tidied her mess, and tried her best to save the roses by planting them in a new pot, she cleaned herself up and headed back to the counter to stay for the next few hours.
Working in a flower shop wasn't always fast paced. In fact, it was only ever really busy around Valentine's day, or mothers day. It always confused her why people couldn't also come in to buy bouquets of roses or something else for dads. Quinn was positive they'd appreciate the gesture just as much.
Then again, she also wished people would just come in more often so she wasn't standing around so often, filing her nails, or staring at the clock above the door.
She was the only person working today, so she didn't even have anyone to talk to.
A few minutes later, Quinn perked up when she saw a a tall man walk into the store.
He looked her in the eye, nodded then proceeded to skim through the rows of flowers, trying to find the ones he was looking for.
Eventually he walked empty handed to the counter and nervously smiled.
Something about him seemed oddly familiar, but Quinn couldn't figure out where she might've seen him.
"Do you have anything that says, 'Fuck you?' in flower form?" he asked.
That entire question took Quinn by surprise, and she had to do a few double takes.
The question coming from a young man with gentle features was also what took her by surprise.
No normal person just waltzed into the store asking for such an order.
'You want flowers to express your hate toward someone?" Quinn raised a suspicious eyebrow.
The man just nodded without saying a word.
Quinn eyed the man up and down and slowly moved around the counter.
"Wait here," she said with a judgemental look.
Nonetheless, Quinn went around and grabbed a few flowers and neatly stacked them into a bouquet.
Quinn handed him the bouquet and told him the price. The man's face was shocked, and he tried not to wince. The price was not at all what he was expecting.
"Do you want a note to go with that?" Quinn politely asked.
He shook his head. "What kind of flowers are they?" he asked and handed Quinn his credit card.
"They're geraniums, meadowsweets, yellow carnations, and orange lillies," she replied after swiping his card.
"Interesting," he thoughtfully said.
"Is that all I can do for you today?" Quinn sweetly smiled.
The man nodded, didn't say another word and fled the store.
The entire interaction had Quinn on her feet afterwards, but she tried to push the feeling away. Maybe he was just an awkward guy? She sees a lot of them entering the store. None have asked for a bouquet to express their hatred, though.


Quinn sets her bag down on her dining chair, then removes her hat and apron and sets them down with it.
It was night, and everything around her was eerily quiet.
She walked around her house, switching lights on and off as she entered and left rooms.
The only lights that remained on were the kitchen, hallway, and loungeroom lights, casting enough light source to get Quinn by for the most part without wasting too much electricity. She walked back into her kitchen, went to pull the fridge open and winced.
Stuck to her fridge at eye level was an electricity bill that was due... Several days ago.
Quinn opened her phone, checked her bank account and frustratingly threw her phone on the kitchen counter when she saw there wasn't enough money to pay the bill. Her payment comes in tomorrow, so she just had to hope that the power would stay on until then.
"Gotta pay the bills tomorrow," she reminded herself underneath her breath.
The next morning Quinn awoke with a sore throat. She rubbed her eyes and tiredly walked down the stairs to grab a quick snack before leaving for work.
She grabs her apron, hat, and bag then rushes to the door. Right as she steps outside she kicks something.
Looking down, Quinn's eyes widen when she notices what she kicked.
It was the bouquet the strange man had bought yesterday.
Freaked out, Quinn grabs the bouquet and chucks it into her bin.
'How did he find my house?' 'Why would he even give these to me?' 'Did I do something to upset him without even realising?' So many thoughts went through her head.
Shaking it off, Quinn decided that maybe the guy just had the wrong house, and they just so happened to coincidentally drop them off at her house. That's what she wanted to believe.
But if you hated someone with such a passion, would you not know where they live?

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