Chapter Four

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Quinn walked down the stairs and turned to head into the kitchen. Her mum was there, happily preparing breakfast for the family.
Quinn gave her mother a morning hug and took a seat at the counter while she watched her mum continue cooking.
"Did you sleep well?" Judy asks.
Quinn semi nods. "Somewhat. Haven't been here in a while, so it took some time getting used to," she replied.
"That's fair. It's really good to have you around, you know? I missed my children's company." There was a brief smile on Judy's face.
"You're always welcome to stay with me, mum," Quinn reminded.
Judy sighed. "I know. The other two should be up in a moment, so why not help set the table?"
Over breakfast, the group had come to talk about music, after Mr. Schue was brought up into discussion. They started talking about Quinn's friends, and who continued to pursue music.
Rachel was the one who was spoken about mostly, considering music was more a side hobby for everyone else.
"Cassandra teaches her." Quinn said.
"Oh, she's the impresario, right?" Frannie wondered, stuffing some food Into her mouth.
Quinn shrugged. "Something like that."
Judy sighed. "It's just a shame you never stuck with music. You have a nice voice, Q," she says.
"My friends have more use with theirs than I do with mine."
Which although she tried to convince herself was true, Quinn missed singing and performing in front of an audience. Though terrifying, it gave her something to look forward to. Singing and glee club was actually what helped her change her ways, so it would always hold a great place in her heart.
Judy didn't say anything. Instead, she gave Quinn a sympathetic look. She saw how much music changed her daughters life, for the better at that, too. So it did pain her to hear her say her voice wasn't much of good use. It was. She knew it.
After a couple of hours Quinn had to say goodbye to everyone. She had a long drive ahead of her, and she needed to get ready for work the following day.
The drive home was lonely. Even music couldn't give her the company she so much craved. Nevertheless, Quinn pushed those emotions aside and focused on the road and cars in front of her.
She'd grown to become very fixated on her surroundings when driving after her car accident. Even if she felt lonely, sad, or fidgety, she swallowed it all down and kept her eyes ahead of her. Only occasionally would she tap her fingers on the wheel, but even then that became too distracting at some points and she'd have to force herself to stop. She did end up zoning out though.

The road was long. 'Going to the chapel' played on the radio, and Quinn may or may not have been going over the speed limit. She was running late, so she had to.
She was going to her friends' wedding. She wasn't originally going to go, considering one of the people getting married was Rachel. It didn't feel right going to someone's wedding, whom you messed with in school. But all that was behind them.
She got several text messages while she was driving, all from Rachel. Quinn ignored every single one. She knew not to look at her phone. But when the fifth one came through, she felt like she needed to look and reply that she was only a few minutes away.
While her eyes were off the road she heard a loud horn, and then everything went black.
She only looked away for a few seconds, but that's all it took for her to get into a severe car accident. One that she was told she should have died in.
Quinn was out in a coma for a week. Rachel's and Finn's wedding was canceled the day of the crash.
When Quinn awoke, she couldn't move a single part of her body. She was paralysed.
She called for her two friends to come to the hospital after a few days of laying there miserably. She apologised to them repeatedly, feeling like shit for making them miss their big day. They reassured her it was okay.
After months of hard and unbearable work, Quinn was finally up and walking. She still needed a walking frame at times, which made her feel old, but it was there to help her. She also just couldn't be more grateful that she was back on her feet.

Rachel and Finn were supposed to get married again. Only this time a different accident took place.
When Quinn got that call she was never the same since.
One of her best friends had died.
Finn was special to her, they went through so much together, then she got to watch him shine with Rachel. But he was gone. Just like that. And no one knew why. It was presumed to be heart failure, but it wasn't clear.
Quinn remembered feeling awful for Rachel. She was the happiest with Finn. She also felt more awful about herself. If she hadn't been in that car accident a year prior, Rachel and Finn would've been married already, and just once, would Finn have been able to see her walk down the isle. But he would never get to see that, because Quinn took that opportunity away from them. And now for some other unknown reason, it was taken from them again.


Quinn pulled into her driveway. She was only away for a night and her property had been destroyed. Her lawn had been littered with more dead fish, some bushes had been completely sheered back, and mud streaks that had been dug up from her car ran off her property onto the road. Her garden was a mess, and Quinn didn't have the energy to deal with it.
She'll deal with it later, after some much needed rest from her drive.
She would have hopped into the shower, but saw no point if she was just going to get dirty again, so she grabbed a coffee, sat down for a few minutes then prepared herself for her huge cleanup.
Why her neighbours couldn't of done anything to help out was beyond her.
Maybe because they didn't want to get involved in whatever the hell was going on. She couldn't blame them. She'd probably ignore it too, if it were happening to her neighbours.
All the deceased fish were thrown into her garbage bin, and the smell was rancid. She vouched to keep that lid shut until the garbage men come to collect her trash.
Quinn really didn't know what to do. If it was Jared- no, it was him. Would she have to somehow track him down and formally apologise? She was supposed to several years ago. Maybe he's just getting back at her for all those times she tormented him.
Where would she find him? And would he actually accept her apology? Guessing not, considering the things he's been doing lately.
Quinn's friends bullied him just as much as she did, though, so why wasn't Jared targeting them?
I suppose I did go further than them, Quinn thought.
The days blurred into one living nightmare. Quinn never saw Jared, but he was around, and he made himself known.
He'd continue to leave her notes, pretty much threatening her. He'd buy more bouquets from different stores and leave them outside her house. The flowers were pretty, but it was what they symbolised that really put Quinn on edge. Most the time they meant death.
Jared had stopped leaving dead fish around her garden, but instead left other dead animals. They weren't scattered around her garden anymore, rather, they were always hanging above her doorway so she'd run into it leaving her house.
Jared knew what he was doing.
And things only became more terrifying when Quinn received a message from an unknown number. At least it said it was unknown. Deep down, Quinn knew it was Jared. It had to be.
The message read, 'Standing behind a counter all day won't protect you.'
She was at work, and had barely left the counter, even though people were hardly coming in today.
Quinn gulped and looked up. She tried to look out the window overlooking the other shops and road to see if she could spot Jared's familiar face, but alas, she couldn't.
She looked back down at her phone. If she was going to apologise she should at least do it now.
"Jared, I'm sorry. I put you through hell and back. I'm not telling you to forgive me, but I am sorry," was what Quinn sent. She knew it wasn't good enough, but she didn't know how else to apologise.
"It's too late to apologise," Jared replied.
Quinn wanted to say something back, but she didn't know what. Truthfully, Jared was right. It'd been six years, it was definitely too late.
Tucking her phone into her pocket, Quinn gravely sighed. To be honest, she was becoming less scared by Jared, and more sympathetic towards him. He had every right to get back at her, in her opinion.
She just didn't know how much he'd get back at her.

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