Chapter Five

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*Tick.... Tick.... Tick... Tick.....-*
The clock on the wall came to a stop. Quinn had grown to notice nowadays her clocks would always stop working after 6pm. It was strange, and no matter how many times she reset them, they'd always stop, then pick itself back up the next day at 6am.
It was a repetitive cycle, and Quinn didn't have an answer as to what was happening. Did she want an answer? Probably not.
Quinn was still on edge about getting police involved, not because she didn't think they would do anything, but because although she was certain it was Jared, there wasn't any underlying proof. At least to her there wasn't. He didn't disagree when she used his name in an apology, so perhaps that was her proof it was him.
Quinn sat staring at her clock. She didn't react. She was used to it. But she did have one question that never ceased to leave. Why?  Why did her clocks always stop as soon as they hit six? 
Then something came to Quinn. She sat up, slowly looked around her room and thoughtfully released a breath.
If Jared knew I was leaving both times, then he's gotta have eyes on me.... Is he watching me now? Quinn didn't know whether or not she wanted that answer, but it did make her curious.
In work the following day, Quinn was slouched behind the counter, legs kicked up and she stared up at the ceiling. It was a slow day, so she really didn't care about how she looked. The only other coworker there that day clocked out an hour ago, and her boss still wasn't in, so there really wasn't a point in how she presented herself.
The bell above the door rang.
Quinn quickly removed her feet from the counter and sat up. She slouched forward and groaned when she saw it was only Santana.
Santana trudged over with a long face.
"This day has been nothing but a repetive boring cycle," she said and leaned herself on the counter.
"Tell me about it," Quinn said and rolled her eyes.
"Have you heard anything else?" Santana asked.
Quinn nodded. "Only small things. He really hasn't been doing much these past few days. Think he might be giving up."
"Good. It's time he got a life."
Quinn gave Santana a look. "Don't say that. I think he has eyes on me at all times," Quinn whispers.
"What do you mean?" Santana wondered.
Quinn hesitated to answer. Would Santana take it so lightly if Jared had figured out where she lived? Or that he was possibly watching the two of them when Quinn was over?
"It's just.... I don't know, he leaves notes and messages on my phone, saying he knows what I'm doing and where I'm going," Quinn replied.
Santana's jaw dropped. "What? Q, contact the police! That's not okay!"
"I know! But what do I even tell them?" Quinn asked.
Santana waved her hand in front of Quinn's face like she was trying to bring her out of a trans. "Uh, hello? That you have a potential stalker! They'll know what to do. At least talk to them about it," Santana said.
Quinn nodded. She wanted to, she really did. But did she deserve to report someone whom she both mentally and physically bullied for over a year?
Sighing in agreement, Quinn nodded. "Okay. I'll get into touch with them after work, promise, " she answers.
Santana proudly nods. "Good. I'll see you around, then."
Quinn followed Santana out the store and waved her goodbye. Once Santana turned a corner and was out of sight, Quinn felt this sudden wave of being watched. She looked around, but only noticed people who couldn't care less about her.
Feeling uneasy, Quinn hurried back into the store and sat behind the desk, where she felt more safe.
Maybe she wasn't getting so used to all these recurring playouts.
Something had to be done, and like Santana reccomend, she had to contact the police. If her life was truly in danger, then they'd be able to help.
Quinn got a message. She knew who it was from. She reluctantly opens the message and her whole body shivered with chills.
'Police can't protect you. I'll just get to you before they can leave their office,'
The message was unsettling, and gave Quinn every sign she needed to get help. Jared (if that's even who it was), clearly wanted to harm Quinn, and he was only working his way up to that day. She needed help, and she was going to get it before Jared could get to her.


Passing by in the hallway, Quinn turned her head away from Jared. She was supposed to apologise to him the first day she got back to school. It's been three weeks and she still hasn't. Her friends were also told to apologise, and thankfully they were quick to it. Even though they were reluctant.
Jared kept his attention away from Quinn, too. After he'd stuck up for himself, he'd been living in fear that Quinn would only cause more trouble, and take things much further than before.
Releasing a breath, Quinn turned a corner and headed into her classroom. She took her seat and looked straight ahead at the board, completely bored out of her mind. Her classmates roughhoused before the teacher came in, much like they did every day.
It was annoying, and became a hindrance to Quinn really quickly.
When the teacher walked in, Mr. Schue made everyone settle down. He then looked to Quinn briefly. She hadn't shown up to glee club since her suspension. He knew why, and every chance he got, he gave her a specific look, telling her she needed to say she was sorry. It was like every teacher gave her that look now. Hoping that she'd pull through with it. She didn't want to though. Quinn didn't want to feel weak and vulnerable. That's not who she was at school.
Quinn turned her head away from Mr. Schue, like she did with all the other teachers, too. She didn't want to feel pressured.
Word also kept getting around to her mother, who was close with a majority of the staff. To Quinn that was absolute torture, because it only meant she'd be interrogated every day after school.
As soon as the class was over, Quinn threw her books into her bag, and chucked the bag over her shoulder before quickly leaving the room. Typically after every class a teacher would pull her aside and try to encourage her to be better, and go on to give her this 'meaningful' pep talk. It never did mean anything to her, most of the time it just reminded her of how much she hated herself. Maybe that's also a benefactor to her bullying. It's normal to hate other people who remind you of yourself when you despise everything about yourself.
Santana waved to Quinn when they passed each other in the hall. She seemed much more cheerful than usual. Quinn could only guess something good happened. 'Maybe she finally hooked up with Brittany,' Quinn thought.
Heading further down the hall, Quinn's body tensed up when she saw Jared again. She hated seeing him now. Living his life, acting like he was going to go places, pretending nothing was going on at home. Quinn hated him.
Her eyes widened, and a weird sensation made her heart pound like crazy. She came to a stop and almost dropped her bag off her shoulder.
As Jared walked by her, he smiled.... Genuinely smiled. Just seeing him in a perky mood was enough to make Quinn feel like she was punched in the gut and face.
It threw Quinn off by a mile.
He turned around and continued to walk backwards.
"Some great things are going to happen in the future for you, I can feel it," he happily said then continued down the hall, leaving a very stunned Quinn Fabray.
"What the fuck?" Quinn muttered.
She thought about chasing him down and forcing him to tell her what he meant by that, but decided not to. There was no point. Her accusation could only make things worse.
And from that day onwards, up until graduation, Jared continued to smile at Quinn. She never knew where that change came from. Because on that very day, he refused to look her in the eye, and now he was smiling and haply. It freaked her out.
Her bullying did come to a stop though, seeing there really wasn't a point anymore. So perhaps that was his plan all along. Choosing to be happy, and acknowledging Quinn to throw her off her own game. People tylcially find it difficult to bully someone who's nice to them, afterall.
For the remainder of school, Quinn would only say one or two words to him. And they were only during prom and graduation.
She still never apologised, but to be honest, she'd completely forgotten, her mum seemed to forget, and even her teachers did.
Jared didn't. Who would when you were living a nightmare at both home and school?

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