the actually date

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*.* Ok so I kinda lagged on the whole date part of the last two parts so here it is im sorry ;^; dont kill me jkjk. And im glad ppl are actually reading this it makes me so happy like who knew dis scene child would smile her peircings off. Imm as try to ma ke it about 1000 words long cause im bored. Omg just nope brandi shut up story time.

*mitchs pov*
Here I was, in the middle of a forest clearing with a beautiful girl and the perfect date idea. I would so be thanking Jerome later.
I heard a giggle beside me. I glanced over at (y/n) her (h/c) hair looked perfect as it shaped her face and adorable cheeks.
"Wow u have staring problem" another giggle.
I snapped out of it eyes in shock "omg I was staring wasnt I. Im sorry its just your hair and your face is just..."
Her face went red "theres something wrong with my face?" She asked quizically.
I mentally faced palmed "no theres nothing wrong with your face," I laughed as she became more flustered "I meant they were...well know.. beautiful and my eyes just kinda got stuck."
She smiled at me. My heart was pounding more then it ever had. God the things she does to me. She looked down at the ground.
I was quite confused or concerned im not sure. "Hey...mitch?"
"Hmm yea wats up?"
"Umm I just want to tell u that I.." was she gonna say it! Was she finally gonna tell me she loved me to. To behonest since last might when she never said anything back I was scared she didnt feel anything but now she was about to say ok just I...
"I really like your new how to minecraft series and I thought maybe you could help me set up one for me sometime?"
And there went my whole world.
"Oh yea I could totally help you sometime just tell me when and im your man..."

*your pov*

Yay he said hed help me! Well I guess the real reason I asked was because I wanted more time alone with him question seemed almost like it hurt him. What had he wanted me to say?
It was now 8:14 and the sun had began to set. It was so beautiful. I laid my head on Mitch's shoulder as we watched silently.
As the last brim of light shined on the edge of the horizon I felt Mitch slip his hand under mine, his fingers laced their way between mine. I looked up at him his eyes still focused on the scene. I smiled, for once in my life someone made me happier then anything in the world.
He must have noticed my staring bevause he turned to look at me. He saw me smiling and smiled back. I blushed a little and looked away, I heard laugh. I quickly looked back at him our faces inches apart. Omg I wanted to kiss him so bad. Thats when he started to lean in closer just as his lips were about to connect with mine - cuhcaw!
I practically jumped into mitchs lap, making him fall backwards. With my face buried in his chest I could hear his heart beat...slow and calm unlike mine right now goimg at the speed of light. "Uh hey (y/n) are you ok?" Mitch asked, my face blushed red as I realized what u was doing. I tried to move out of hes lap but with his arms around me he wouldnt let go. I looked up slowly till once again I was met with his beautiful eyes. "Mitch I.." he put his finger to my lips. My eyes grew wide as I looked at him and no matter how hard he tried he couldnt hold in his laugh. His laugh was so contagious I started laughing to. When both stopped mitchs face became serious again. "Remember what I said to you last night?" He asked looking into my eyes. Of course I remembered but maybe I dhould get him to say it again. I shook my head "no I dont sorry bad memory, what was it again?"
He placed his hand softly on my cheek, "(y/n), I..I love you."
His slightly pink face made me smile as he looked down at the ground to hide embarrassment I decided I need to tell him or he'd think I wasnt into him.
He looked back up at me.
"I love you too."
"Oh..." I was confused as he looked at the ground sadly. Then he quickly looked back up with wide eyes, "wait did you say you..."
He took no time at all before his hands were on my cheeks and his lips connected with mine. Sure it was our second kiss but it almost seemed like the first all over.
The kissed seemed to last forever until we slowly broke apart.
He laid back onto the grass almost dying of relief at giggled and slowly laid next to him, my head in his chest. I smiled cause with the stars in the sky my night with mitch couldnt have been any better.

*mitchs pov*
I felt her lay her head on my chest, the feeling was like a dream. She said it back just like I hoped she would. It was 10:30 her curfew was in 30 mins but I didnt want her to go. I looked down at her. The way she looked at the stars with such innocent eyes made me love her even more, if it was even possible.
I took her hand in mine and didnt want to interrupt her happy thinking but "bun you ready to go home?" I asked quietly trying not to laugh. Looked up at me "that nickname I swear mitch imma just.."
I laughed even more at how flustered she got at the nickname.
I got up to my feet anx offered her a hand. Pulling her to her feet I smiled, how was I so lucky?
I was so concentrated on tmher that I didnt even notice she started walking away but stopped a few feet in front of me. "Mitch you coming?" She xalled back.
"Wait one more thing" I yelled as I ran up to her.
"Wat is it?" She questioned me.
I pulled out a small box from my sweater pocket...yea thee sweater.
I handed her the box, "I got you this, I saw it in the store this morning and I had too."
She slowly opened the box her face held now emotion. O god maybe she hates it god mitch your an idiot. Then it came out, her smile she took it out and handed it to me. I looked at her confused. "Can you help me?"she asked, duh mitch you darn benja.
I took the necklace as she turned around and held up her hair. God her perfectness killed. I clasped the necklace and she let her hair back down. "Its beautiful." she admired it and turned it over and read the inscription "always your benj" she giggled and I could help but smile at how cute it was. "Technically I guess u can say you have my heart, minecraft and real." I tried sound romantic but it came out a little more geeky. She turned and looked at me "thank you so much mitch."
"No problem" I replyed taking her hand again and began walking aa she snuggled against me.
"Shall we take the bun home?"
"Mitch! Stop it!"
I laughed "im sorry princess bun" "One day youll learn a lesson mitch!"
"As long as your teaching me I think I might be just fine with that."
The perfect night, the perfect girl as far as learning a lesson goes im not sure I learned anything other then some ppl are worth every star in the sky.

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