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(f/n) leaving. Mitch coming home. What kind of party is that. hmmm..

a leming party. a back bye party. maybe we should just leave it as party, ok just keep it at that. lets see (s/n) got the balloons, streamers, cupcakes. I suppose I could order some pizza...

"(y/n). hey... hello...anyone der....." I looked at the hand being waved in front of me, "sorry what?"

"What were u thinking about that made u so out of it?" (f/n) asked.

"oh nothing I was just umm staring at that .....amazing ....cup of orange juice" I said running over to chug the liquid.

"um (y/n) that's not orange juice."

"what is it?"

"Cheeto water..."

"your joking."

(f/n) burst out laughing. "why would I joke about something like Cheeto water?"

I quickly spit it out and rinsed my mouth out with water.

"welp im going to go finish packing." she said as she pranced her way up stairs. Just in the nic of time to as (s/n) came busting throu the door with party supplies. " Omg thank you so much for going and getting the stuff for me (s/n)."

"hey all you had to say was party and I was I.... wait is there gonna be.."


"omg best party ever!" he/she shouted as they made their way to the living room.

"wait (s/n) I got one one job for you"


"all our friends will be here in one hour and mitch will be here in 2 so could u maybe distract (f/n) till the guest arrive."

"no way Mitch is gonna be here too? What if ppl crowd him for pics or autographs?"

"I have an escape plan so don't worry." I smiled with a sinister smile.

"oooooooooo shes thinking kinky!!!" (s/n) yelled running up the stairs.

all I could do was laugh as I began to set up for the best party ever.

~time skip~

Guest were already arriving and (f/n) found out before it was time. never trust the siblings to do your dirty work. So (f/n) talked with the guest and helped me pass out her own party. I told her no but she insisted. I swear somedays.

As the first hour of the party went by I waited patiently for the front door to reveal the only person I really cared to see at this party.

I sat on my steps talking to some of my old friends not really concentrated on words. eventually they got bored and left me sitting on the steps by myself. Okay so it was my idea to put together this party but I feel stupid cause while I was all excited I totally forgot how anti-social I was. Mom and dad were laughing with my friends. (f/n) was chatting up some hotty in the corner and here I was sitting alone.

im so depressing, I laughed to myself looking at my little feet. "something funny?" a voiced ask from above "I hope your aren't laughing at those cute feet of yours."

The voice sounded so familiar I couldn't put a face to it so I just continued to stare at my feet. "you know I expected you to be a little bit happier bunny."


My head instantly shot up. "MITCH!" I yelled jumping up to hug him, "but I didn't hear the door open?" I looked at him questionably.

"oh yea I umm texted your mom to leave the back door open cause I knew u be waiting." he laughed.

"I missed you so much Mitch, im so glad your back."

"I missed you too my bunny boo."

"ok I definitely didn't miss that name thou."

We spent most of the rest of the party talking about what him and the pack had done and about my fun videos with (f/n) but I couldn't wait to give his welcome back gift c; xD

*an*: sorry its not long I don't have much time to write im actually in photoshop right now xD I hope to start getting longer chapters maybe putting two class times into each story....maybe xD

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