time traveler

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Tommy(present): *kidnaps a crow and runs away with the crow* eheheh

???: than while Tommy was running away from Phil with a crow he bump into XD and HD and past ranboo

Tommy: ummmm!?

Ranboo: oh-, hey Tommy!

Tommy: oh it's just you, hey ranboo

XD: who is this?

Tommy: ummm, I should goooo

HD: he's probably was just playing around with a, crow?

Tommy: yup!, now I should go

XD: how about, no?

HD: why?

XD: he knows that ranboo is a working with us

Ranboo: I should go or tubbo will say that I am working with techno

Tommy: oh okay?

Tubbo: Tommy!

Tommy: tubbo! *runs towards tubbo*

XD: *turns Invisible*

HD: *turns invisible too*

XD:*makes ranboo invisible*

Ranboo: huh?

XD: shh

Tubbo: why did you kidnap Phil's crow?

Tommy: oh, because I wanted a buddy plus Phil had over a million of crows

Tubbo: true, but wanna hang out with Phil and techno? Or with ranboo

Tommy: huh? But ranboo was right here?-

Tubbo: he was?

Tommy: never mind, I was probably imagining things

Tubbo: oh, well, I call ranboo

Tommy: ok

Tubbo:*calls ranboo* hey ranboo, wanna hang out with tom?

Ranboo(in the call): sure! I am coming

Tubbo: okay, we at techno's house but in the forest

Ranboo(in the call): okay!

Tubbo: he's coming

Tommy: ok

(Present)Ranboo: hello!

Past ranboo's mind: huh!?

Tommy: hey ranboo! :D

Ranboo: hey Tommy

Tubbo: you guys wanna hang out near the MC'puffys?

Tommy: sure.

Ranboo: I don't mind

Tubbo: okay, let's go!

Past ranboo: *See's them leave* what was that!?

???: past ranboo was confused on what's going on but XD and HD knew what was happening they accidentally went to the past but didn't care but they didn't mind having a 2nd time traveler but from the present...

XD: don't worry and welcome to the present

Past ranboo: so, that was Tommy but in the present or future

HD: yes, for you but we think it would be better if you had another person to time traveler with you so that you won't get lonely

Past ranboo: who?

XD: you know that blonde kid that ran into us?

Past ranboo: you mean Tommy?

HD: yup! We think that we should make him as a second time traveler

Past ranboo: okay,

With the bench trio

Ranboo: we here

Tubbo: yup

Tommy: oh wait I still have one of Phil's crows

Ranboo: oops-

Crow: *trys to run away*

Tommy: no, your my friend now! :D

Tubbo: let's go destroy the hotel :)

Tommy: but that's my hotel

Ranboo: not anymore sent Jack took it away from you

Tommy: yeah..., but let's not destroy the hotel and let's destroy ummm Jack's house!

Tubbo: nah, his house is to boring to destroy

Ranboo: yeah

Tommy: umm what about dream? We can go destroy his base

Tubbo: I don't think he has a base

Tommy: I guess what about the ummm the castle!

Tubbo: sure!

Ranboo: I don't mind destroying the castle

???: after they planned to destroy the castle, Tommy was teleported away by XD and HD and took him inside white Castle room and told past ranboo to stay behind them

Tommy: guys!?

XD: hello

Tommy: it's you three?

Past ranboo: hello Tommy from the future!

Tommy: future? Oh- your from the past

Past ranboo: yeah

HD: so me and XD had planned that you two could be new time travelers and don't worry karl used to be the time traveler but we reset the time from different timelines

XD: not all of them

Tommy: karl? He was a time traveler?

XD: used to

Past ranboo: oh

HD: here! Take these books so that you guys can write down what timeline you travel

Tommy: okay?

Ranboo: thanks

XD: now, we should head out while you guys can learn about each other

Tommy: ok...

Ranboo: okay

???: when XD and HD left both ranboo and Tommy talk to each other and talk about what's going on in their timeline and wanted to time traveler but don't know how so they guessed a timeline and they were afraid that they will die during the process of time traveling so they time traveler to the past but different timeline...

Past ranboo: *falls from the ceiling* ahhh!

Tommy:*falls from the ceiling too*

Past ranboo: where are we?

Tommy: don't know?

Past ranboo: *See's a version of techno* look, there's another version of technoblade

Tommy: really?

Past ranboo: yeah, come look

Tommy:*See's another version of technoblade* he does look like him but with a mask and- *See's another ranboo* look, another you

Past ranboo: huh- *See's ranboo* that's, weird..., I don't remember this

Tommy: it's probably different timeline-

Ranbob: I hear someone talking

Sir billiam ii: where you hear talking?

Ranbob: somewhere over there *points to past ranboo and Tommy's hiding spot*

Past ranboo: we got spotted! I think

Tommy: shit-

Sir billiam ii: hey! *puts sword close to Tommy's head*

Tommy: hello?

Ranbob: sir, that tall person looks like me

Past ranboo: ummm *grabs Tommy and starts running*

???: well, I guess Tommy and past ranboo went to the past well I wonder who will died first Tommy or past ranboo....

                                 To be continued....

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