At least I wouldn't let her take that away from me

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My first glance from the podium immediately went to my team, just to look for that one pair of eyes.

They literally stood out from the crowd, immediately towards me. It was as if she had been waiting for me to look at her.

Or had she just looked up at the podium?

Basically it didn't matter, because our eyes met immediately and once again I had the feeling that in Kariss Gasly's head was the counterpart to the magnet in my head and our eyes could only attract each other. Just like two magnets.

A smile slipped across my lips, which she immediately returned as she began to applaud.

I owed the fact that I was up here in large part to her.

Her and Leo.

But his gaze did not attract me magnetically. I would thank him, but now I was looking at her.

And I enjoyed her looking back. With that wide smile that made my heart soar.

God this woman was doing things to me that were clearly not good. I couldn't fall in love with her after all. Not when she still loved her boyfriend so much.

I didn't want to put her in a situation that made her uncomfortable.

She had become so comfortable in our box by now that she was completely at ease. You could really tell how open she was. And how much herself.

I didn't want to take that away from her, because I couldn't control my feelings.

Nevertheless, my gaze hung on her and I didn't want to avert it at all.

Only when they played the Spanish anthem, I took off my cap and closed my eyes to enjoy the moment.

I hadn't been up here in so long and who knew how long this lucky streak would last? I needed to soak up every second for as long as I could.

I needed it for the worse days that would surely come again.

Or would it feel different now when bad days came again because I was on fire again?

No. When I had slipped into the bad days then I had been on fire too. But I couldn't find the fire again back then.

Maybe Kariss and Leo could help. Maybe they could reignite me in bad times, too.

The dynamic in the box was completely different than it had been back then. Maybe that changed something.

It certainly changed something.

After the podium, it was off to an endless series of interviews for me. I liked giving them after such a good weekend.

Still, they were time-consuming and draining. I was happy when I could finally go back to the pits to celebrate with the team.

I almost skipped back to the pits and was greeted by cheers. I lifted the trophy and the champagne.

Leo was the first to come running up to me and lift me up a little exuberantly. I had to laugh as he put me back down.

"Kari!", Leo spun around once "Kari? She was just here a moment ago!", he said in surprise.

"She went outside. Her boyfriend called her," Francesco grinned. Leo nodded, then grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.

"Come on, I don't want to miss that, how happy she looks when she finally has her Rob in her arms again," he smiled and even though I didn't really want to see that, I let myself be pulled along.

But instead of a joyful encounter, we saw some people stopped because Kari was being yelled at.

"Who do you think you are? Look at yourself! Nobody wants you. I've been using you. Through your brother, I got to people who would never have crossed my path otherwise. But you Kariss Gasly are just disgusting. You're fat and ugly. No one starts anything with you voluntarily. So you can be thankful that for years I've been...", I had torn myself away from Leo and stormed towards Rob.

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