V4 | 4.0: The Happy Hotel!

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Hey guys, unfortunately I got fucked in the ass by God and was unable to make the next two chapters, BUT I PREVAILED!
Anyways I saw the announcement video and HAD to make this.

♛ ═════✶═════ ♛


Y/N couldn't bring himself to sleep an inch, and it was getting annoying.

Thanks to his insomnia, this has been happening a bunch recently; and even worst, he had to run on those few fumes he had during missions.

Though, it didn't really bother Y/N too much, considering he experienced this all throughout his military days.

Y/N yawned loudly as he brought himself up from his laying position, widening and spreading his arms before arching them to his neck in a stretch.

Y/N: "Alllright."

Y/N pressed his large hands onto the messy sheets and rose up, his head gently(not really) tapping the roof.

Y/N: "I've really gotta rent a bigger apartment.."

He moved ahead, sliding his arm across his TV stand and taking a hold of some keys, going out of his room with a quick twist from the knob.

His eyes glanced over Collin, Cletus, and Keenie who all slept soundly on the couch; all laying atop each other despite the space they had.

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