Papí and the Executioner

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"You have been quiet ever since we came back from lunch. Talk to me, baby. What's on your mind?" Luis asked, rearranging me on the couch so he could hold me.
"Just wondering if this is really the right thing I'm doing." I told him. "I mean, I honestly don't need to boost my career, I don't need a PR re-boot. I don't need to be called a sell-out or jeopardize the band or the guys." It all came out in a rush.
"The writers and Finn, Demi, Dom and I will make damn sure we're not going to hurt you or the band's career. You're not a sellout, love, far from it. You're not taking a dime, and giving your portion to charity. Believe me when I tell you that fact will definitely be in the press. And it's not going to be forever, baby.  I promise."
I lay my head under his chin, and just let him hold me.
"What else, baby?"  He asked, stroking my hair.
"I'm nervous about the improvisation, I guess. What if I mess up or miss a cue..." I trailed off.
He started to chuckle. Before I could say something, he spoke. "Listen, every single one of us has done it, if not once, but many times. And I know I've done it, on huge promos for other PLE's. But, we move on and don't acknowledge it." He took my chin in his fingers, and tilted my head up to look at him. "Honey, I promise, it's just like the countless banter you do with Haddonfield's fans when they come to see you live. You connect so well with them, and I'm positive you're going to do just as well here, with us."
I touched his goatee, "I didn't think of it that way." I said.
He smiled, "Babe, I'm here to listen and support you, and to try and make things better. Just as I know you're going to do for me. In fact, you agreeing to be an 'honorary' member, means the world to me. I know the main reason is because I asked, and then the kids Paul spoke about.."
I didn't answer, just yet. All I did was look at this amazing, gorgeous man, and finally said, "I don't know if it's possible for me to love you more than I already do." I said softly. "There are no words for me to truly express how I feel about you."
"That goes for me, too, mi corazòn. As I call you my heart, just know you have all of mine, including my soul. You are the air I breathe, babe."
I pretended to fan face. "Aye, Luis," I said, with a light laugh. "Your words are better than mine, love. I've already told you I need to come to you soon for lyrics."
"It's my Latino heat." He joked. "I'm trying to get you to finally call me Papí." He laughed . "You know," he went on "you turned me on when you snapped at Dom in the beginning of lunch today," He said in a low voice, twirling my hair around.
I laughed. "Did I, now?"
"Oh, you have no idea." He said, dropping his voice even lower. "I'm going to enjoy you being a heel. I know our sex life is already incredible, now I'm thinking it's going to be exceptional."
"Mmmm, I look forward to this challenge," I reached up to kiss him. "Can't wait to see what you do when I relent and call you Papí."
"I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm going to lose my fucking mind," he said. "And I swear, you do it at an arena, we're having sex in the locker room, or in The Judgment Day clubhouse. No questions asked, and absolutely no exceptions." He said.
"Baby, it sounds like you're making a match of your own, featuring just the two of us," I laughed.
"Oh, hon," he just shook his head and smiled. "You have no clue what I'll do to you."
"I'm a little scared," I laughed. "I thought I knew what Damian Priest could do."
"You'll be in his element in the arena, and the clubhouse... nothing is off limits. I'll leave it at that." He smirked.
"You know what I think?" I asked him,stretching up and crossing my arms around him. "I think The Punishment and The Executioner need to practice their..."
"Ring work?" He finished, his eyebrow raised with a cocky grin.
I smiled, kissing him, enjoying his arms wrapping around me, as he settled his back against the couch. His hands eventually started wandering around my body, as I heard him sighing contentedly. He pulled away reluctantly. "Babe, though we don't have a ring, we do have a mattress, which I think we need to go utilize right now."

Unfortunately, there was no "ring work" as Luis had called it; it was just straight sex, which, honestly was really not unfortunate for the both of us... it was actually much needed.
Since that night in Orlando, once I had talked to Paul, and the both of us had picked up the to-go orders Luis had placed, I was in absolutely no mood to have any intimate moments.
Luis had wanted to know all of what had been said, and I did tell him everything, I wasn't going to keep it away from him. Plus, I had told Paul I would talk to him.
I reiterated to Luis I wasn't angry with him, I was more annoyed at the fact that it seemed no one was listening to what I was saying; it was like no one was listening at how I needed to think about things, and with the band's schedule and things I had already committed to and planned. I wanted to make sure I had the time to do this, and do them right.
He had remained silent as I got out my frustration, and at the end, the only thing he did was open his arms as I collapsed against him.
We had stayed like that for awhile, completely quiet, he took my hand and pulled me up against me to before going up to bed.
I had kissed him that night, but I knew he knew I wasn't in any mood to be loved. He simply made sure I was next to him, and held my hand putting my head on his chest. He rubbed my arm back and forth, and that's how we slept.
We ended up flying out later on that Tuesday and by the time we had arrived at the apartment, we were exhausted from the flight, the emotions we were still feeling and the all in all the overall mood of what had transpired.
I had woken up Wednesday morning, knowing I had my meeting with Paul, and had not woken Luis up, but kissed his forehead, and scribbled a little note for him.
On the way to the WWE office, I had phoned Sebastian, Max and Michael and put them on a speaker so we could all talk together.
They had assured me the WWE gig was fine for me to do, and were actually enthusiastic about it, pointing out we all had different side projects, all the stuff I did for the band, plus the other musical plans and proposals I had coming up, I should do something fun and out of the scope of what I was used to.
My boys made me feel better about the situation, yet at the same point, I still wasn't sure about the whole thing.
So needless to say, this time between Luis and I was well needed and deserved.
Believe me when I say it was not a wham, bam, thank you ma'm deal. It was a time to reconnect, and just be with each other.
Once we felt better about discussing more about our new project, he took the reigns.
"Thoughts on who should be your tormentor?" Luis asked, lightly running his fingers up and down my arm.
"I was going to leave that to you. I don't know if you wanted it to be a fellow heel, or someone who's considered a savior," I said.
"You just don't want to tell me who else you find attractive here," he joked.
"Well, yeah, there's that, too." I laughed.  "But no one holds a candle to you, Luis."
"Oooh, good save," he chuckled, stealing a kiss. "I was possibly thinking Drew, since he may be turning heel again. Maybe Austin."
"I don't remember you really having any interactions with Austin." I said.
"I haven't, really. But he's like the "handsome" type; people would believe he would go for you, and it would be entertaining Dom's idea."
"You're the handsome type." I smiled.
"I'm the mean, evil bad guy," he tugged at my hair. "Get it right." He laughed.
"You know what would be even better?  But I know he's extremely busy? Benny." I said.
"Benny? You mean my Benito? Bad Bunny? You know him, too?" He sounded incredulous.
I put the sheet up to my chin, "Yes," I said in a soft voice, trying not to laugh.
"I really don't know why I'm surprised," he was shaking his head with a smile.
"The two of us are actually helping a band I know with a song. I  asked  him to do a guest vocal spot." I said.
"I think I'm just astonished how we know the same people, and no one introduced us sooner. You best believe I'm talking to Benny; and you are right, it kinda would make sense... he's a singer, and was my tag team partner, once ...and it would work..." he trailed off.
"I mean, you could try, I'm sure he'd love to hear from you, but don't be surprised if he tells you he can't do it."
"I get it. So we'll keep thinking, in the meantime. I'm going to hold onto Drew or Austin. I'd like to throw Jey in that mix, but I know there's going to be a big story line coming up, so it probably wouldn't work."
"I'm fine with whatever you think, as well as whoever you think." I stretched, and leap up, kissing his shoulder. "Can we stop talking about this for a little while?"
He pulled me up to him, and put his arms around me.
"You know I thank you for indulging this wrestling fantasy of mine. I know you still have reservations, but baby, I promise if you really do hate it, we'll stop."
"I want you to have your dreams, Luis. I'll always support you and tell you to make it happen. I'll be damned if I'm going to be the one to discourage it."
"I love you so much." He said, holding me tight,
"I love you, too, my Punisher." I smiled.
"You won't be getting punished for awhile, Josie." He grinned. "It's going to be a whole lot of loving."
"I'm definitely fine with that." I smiled.
He smoothed my hair back, flipping it over my shoulders. "Something Demi said the other day keeps coming back to me." He said.
"What's that?" I asked, knowing Demi said quite a lot in the couple days we were all together.
"Like I said to you, I trust you going away with the girls, and I'd never say anything you being with your friends, regardless if they're male or female. I know you trust me as well, so all that goes without saying." He tilted my face up to look at him. "I'm requesting a few days off, though, and I want to go away with you. Regardless if it's Puerto Rico, or not. I just want us away. Shut phones off, and just be. And with all this new stuff happening, and you being the absolute best girlfriend ever, I think the timing is perfect." He pinched my nose, smiling. "And I'm sure Paul is going to be just fine with it. What do you say?" He asked, pulling me up so we were chest to chest.
"I'm going to say I would love to go away with you, the best boyfriend ever, and far away from everyone."
He gently pushed me back on the mattress, kneeing my legs open. "Good," he kissed me. "We'll figure it out once I'm done having my way with you." He chuckled, pushing himself inside me, and me taking him all in.

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