Insta post

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My eyes slowly started to open, my god already morning, I blocked the scorching sun from my sun.

I heard a ding, not these boys


You guys awake?

Ye are you cooking
Breakfast or sm downstairs?

Why would you ask

Uh we all live

You guys I swear
I can here typing from
The other room it's 9am

Who lives with you

Hmm, not every but there's
Balde me Pablo, Yamal ferran
Kounde and joaos moving in because
His house is getting built.

Hmm intresting



Guys its 9am


Yep, my uncle cooking
Breakfast I'm gonna go
Bye guys

Everyone left the chat

I could smell my uncles breakfast, I sat up and stretched before moving the covers off my body.

I headed downstairs.

"Morning uncle jerry"

"Morning sof"

He said put the bacon onto the plate with some hash browns.

"What's the good mode about?" He asks me "nothing, the Barcelona boys invite me to a party can I go?"

"Hmm yeah sure just be careful and be back by 10am tomorrow"

"Thank you thank you!" I run and hug my uncle who had my plate.

"Yeah I might drop my plate"

"Oh right..."

I said and took my plate, I sat on the bar stool scrolling through instagram.

Joao Felix

I didn't want to be a stalker, but I was very interested in his page.

So I did click on it.

I scrolled through his page, I stopped scrolling, he was with a girl.. kissing her?

I did a little bit more research, there together.


Tears started to fill up in my eyes, was I disappointed, what no..

It was evening and pedri said he would pick me up at 7 it was currently 5pm.

I wanted to make an instagram post my first one since my parents well.. thinking about it I geared up and started crying.

A few moments later when I realized I only had an hour I started to get to work.

A few moments later when I realized I only had an hour I started to get to work

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@sofia: Back bitches 💪👑

❤️ 345,567 likes by: @pedri @balde @pablo @joaofelix

Wait joao Felix liked my post, oh my damn god, I blushed.

Why am I blushing when he's not even around? Gos I'm so pathetic sometimes.

I heard a honk, I ran down from my bedroom, my uncle was sitting on the coach watching tv," by uncle jerry see you tommrow at 10am if I sleep over!"

"Bye have fun be safe" he said that last part in a mad tone, seriously what am I if i gonna do?

Or I though

Stolen heart|Joao felix Where stories live. Discover now