Intresting Game day

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Sophia pov

It was currently morning and I was in Joaos arms I thought about what sira said 'has he told you he loves you yet?'

I shouldn't think of that it's not big deal...right? That's what I keep telling myself...

Anyways Spain have a game today and it was currently 8:30am Joao had to be there bye 12. I better get him up.

I got out of his arms, I shook him a little,"good morning hermosa" I smiled.

"Amor what time is it" He opens his eyes slowly,"it's right thirty three, we have to leave in 3 hours" i giggles.

He groans and put his head into the pillow, he's the worst at getting up.

I open the curtains a little to let the sun through. The hotel room wasn't as big as I though, it's a sweet but only has a living room and a bedroom with a washroom. It's not that big.

"Hermosa I have to get ready I'll be right back" I said,"Nooo" he whined. I chuckled and went into our huge bathroom.

I took a shower i put on the coco shampoo it's smells so good and Joao loves when I use it.

I wash the rest of my self and get out I rapped a white towel around my body.

I brush my hair,"Amor I need to take a shower aswell" I hear a voice coming into the washroom.

"You do so" I chuckle, I was facing the mirror, put my make up on.

"You know you don't need make up" He raps his arms around my waste.

"Thank you" I smile, he kisses my neck and rest his head in my shoulder.

"Your so beautiful" I can tell his breath on my
Skin, i blush.

He gives me one last kiss before heading into the shower, I smile and keep doing my make up.

2 hours later

(A/n) I'm not going to be doing much of Joaos pov btw.

We arrived at the stadium safely Joao left me to go to the lock room where all the boys are.

I sat in my seat it was an hour till the game starts so there wasn't many people

But you can believe what saw and who I saw, Magui coming right towards me

She gave me a pathetic weak smile and sat right beside me.

"Heyyy" she said and smirked at me bitch,"hi" I reply nicely.

"Isn't it so wonderful here!" She smiled,"yeah it is" I shrugged.

"Soo how's things with you and Joao?" She asks,"It's going really good" I smiled.

"I heard he broke up with me for you" she looked me up and down while phrasing you.

I didn't reply.

"Oh and don't tell anyone I showed you this but" she giggled. She Showed me a picture of her and him kissing, I chuckled,"how do I know it's real?" I ask.

"Because it's all over the internet and it was yesturday"

"But I-I was with him yesturday?" I raise a brow,"mhm what about before you arrived at the hotel.

She got me it was running through my heas, tears rolling down my cheeks no no he wouldent right? I checked on my phone and indeed it was all over the internet.

I looked up at the field, Joao had a confused look on his face,"yeah..he used you?" Magui smirked.

"Fuck you" I mumble and grab my bag and leave the fuck you was met for Joao.

I cried my way down to the tunnel where I stopped because I couldn't keep crying and walking.

I slide down one of the walls my knees up to my chest and sobbed.

Joao pov

I saw Sophia leave the chair, and only if I new magui was sitting next to her.

The game was half time and I wanted to look for Sophia, I quickly ran to the locker room and called her on my phone.

"Pick up pick up" I mumble, she didn't pick up, shaking I tried answer.

"Joao what's rong?" Balde asks,"Sophia she won't pick up!" I said nervously.

The boys looked at each other,"what?" I ask,"we might know why..."

They showed me a picture of me and magui kissing.


Sophia pov

"Sophia!" I heard a familiar voice through the tunnel, not him.

"Go away!" I said and got up and walked about holding my head with my hands.

"Listen it's not what you think!" He yelled out,"that's what everyone says!" I scream back flipping him off.

"Please let me explain!" He said and pulled me back by my arm.

"Explain? I think I already have a good explanation, for some reason I though you actually broke up with her for me, but instead you used me for social media purposes, I hate you!"

And that's the last word I have said to him for a year.

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