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I got a ding from my phone, unknown number?

Joao felix

Is me joao

How did you get
My number?

I've got my ways

Oh yeah?

Mhm 😏

Okay the smirk though, boy is trying to be flirty.

So what do you

I wanted to ask
You, if you wanted to come
To the beach tonight

Just you and


So a date?

Yup, at 5pm
I'll pick you up

What if I
Don't want to go?

Who would
Not wanna to
With me?

True you are
Pretty hot..


Yeah I'll see you at 5
Don't be late

I won't

Better not

Bye amor

That nickname gives me butterflies through text god this boy drives me nuts.

4pm that was a late notice.

I started getting ready, I put my bikini on it was blue and it was my favourite one, I haven't been on a date since a year you could guess why.

After I was done everything it was 4:56 he should be here any minute now.

I heard a door bell ring him .

My uncle wasn't home today so he wouldn't open the door

I walked downstairs, and opened the door.

He was standing there with a single rose cute.

"Thank you João" i said grabbing it,"anything for you amor" I blushed.

"I'll go put it in a vase you can come in" I said he close the door behind him.

"Be right back" I said, I went to the kitchen and poured some water into a vase.

It looked nice in the middle of our kitchen counter, I admired it and then walked back to that boy.

"Ready?" He said, i hummed and he holded the door for me gentleman.

I opend the car door, and got in. He was driving a Porsche.

"We're going to my favourite beach" He said excited.


"Because I like go there very day, in fact it's my secret spot"

"Then why are you showing me?" I ask confused,"so you know where to find me" he looked at me and smiled.

I loved his smile.


we got there the sun still shining, I was hoping no one saw us.

I grabbed my bag out of the car and shut the truck.

I locked the car and we walked toward the beach,"this is such a beautiful beach" she gasps, I watched as she admired it.

I kept my arm around her hip as we walked to my spot.

We placed our towels down and sat there,"you see why it's my favourite spot amor?" I said.

"Yeah" she giggled and looks at me, she was resting on her elbows.

"It kinda reminds me of you" she said,"actually why?" She said confused.

"Isn't the view pretty?" I looked at her with a smirk on my face.

"Yeah and?" She said,"aren't you pretty?" I think I made her blush because she looked the other way.

"Are you blushing?"

"What no never"

"Then look at me"

"No" she argued and I could see a soft smile in her faces.

"Are you s-"

"Race you into the water!" She yelled and got up she took her clothes off revealing her bathing suit.

Damn she looked hot.

Not the point..

It took my a minute to get my shorts off, she was already running into the direction of the water.

I assumed I was a faster runner then her and caught up to her. I took her hand and ran into the water.

We got back up to the surface,"i still caught up to you" I laughed,"you have longer legs!"

I shook my head.

"ew seaweed!" She said and rapped her legs around my torso.

"Your scared of seaweed?" I said holding her hips, she had her arms around my neck. The only thing above the water was our necks.

"Yeah I'm scared of seaweed" she said looking straight into my eyes.

"Or are you just making an excuse to get closer to me?" I smirk.


"Maybe maybe not" she also smirked.

Honestly fuck it

I kissed her? She held my face, it got my intense and her hands where in my hair.

Stolen heart|Joao felix Where stories live. Discover now