Moving Back

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Hello. I am a newsie fan. a BIG one. I am also a big fan of Netflix's 13.  So yeah! :D 


My name is Evan Goldman. I just turned 13 years old and had my Bar Mitzvah. I live in Appelton, Indiana. I moved from Manhattan, New York. Now we're moving back to Manhattan.

"WHAT?! BUT I'VE MADE SO MANY FRIENDS HERE!" I yelled when I first found out we were moving back to Manhattan. 

  "Your Dad and I got back together again" My mom said, happily. Why was she happy?! I worked so hard to make friends here. Everything from the "Blood Master Incident" to "Brett and Kendra Kissed Finally" Things. "YOU KEEP RUINING MY LIFE!" I shouted as I ran out the door and bolted to Patrice's house. I was staying here for one more day, and then we were going back to my home city that I missed deeply, but not so much any more.

"Patrice!" I knocked on her door. Thank goodness she was home. "I'm moving back to Manhattan!!" I said, out of breath. "WHAT?!" She asked, shocked. "Tomorrow's my last day here" I added. We hugged. I said goodbye and we were both practically in tears. Why can't my parents stay in one place FOR ONCE?!

I remembered the song I had sang to myself when I was leaving New York to come here.

Picture Me Just another cool kid in NYC near the Park and the Vet

Got My Crew Everything Was great and I never knew just how bad it would get!

Who'd have guessed? Dad would ruin everything?!

Mom's depressed and her lawyers are mean!

Now I'm stressed! Life is a disaster!

And I'm cracking From the strain going totally insane and I'm just about to turn, just about to turn, just about to turn


Maybe I'd find a way to change my lyrics to moving back.


When I got back to Manhattan, I wished I could live in a year where I didn't know what happened. Like... 1899? Sure. 1899 Manhattan, New York! I closed my eyes

END OF CHAPTER ONE                                        


Malcolm POV 

Well today was something for the history books. once Patrice told us Evan was moving back and he'd already left, Kendra was sobbing. Probably because he's the whole entire reason Brett and Kendra are together. Archie just was in shock, Brett was trying to calm down Kendra, Lucy was cheering like it was the best day of her life, and The rest of us were just crying or just in shock. Thanks Evan for not telling us! Now our lives are weird.                                                                             

Patrice: "Lucy, Why are you cheering?!" 

Lucy: "because I didn't like him" 

Archie: "Well you can go make new friends somewhere else. Because Evan was our friend:      

All except Lucy: "Yeah!"            

Lucy: "Oh goodbye forever then"                                         

Malcolm: "And don't think you can send us text messages either" *Blocks Lucy from group chat and contacts*  *Sees Evan's nickname (The Outsider) and sniffles*                           

Lucy: "Goodbye. and I am NOT coming back this time. Oh. and I will take care of al of this later!"  

Kendra: *sobbing again*                                                    

Archie: "Fuck you" 

Patrice: "Agreed. Wait who is teaching you to curse?!"                                           

Brett: *Faints*

*Lucy runs off*                                                                               

Malcolm POV                

I wish I could live in a different year. like 1899? Okay. 1899. Manhattan New york.  Manhattan's where Evan lives right? 



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