Familiar Faces

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-A/N So, Evan sees Malcolm again but he's not sure if that's him. (I mean, It's 1899, Who knows? his ancestor could've been a Newsie) P.S This is WAAAAY Different from the quotev version. Malcolm wasn't even supposed to appear till the end. Oh well. ENJOY THE SECOND CHAPTER-             

EVAN'S POV:                              

Well, I wake up on the streets. I'm wearing a white shirt, A buttoned vest over it, and pants. Why? No idea. Wait... who am I talking to? Oh well.                                                            

Another boy is sleeping on the streets. He looks Familiar... He looks like... Malcolm? Brett's Friend? Oh who am I kidding this is Manhattan! Not Indiana! He jolts awake.                               

Malcolm POV                

I jolt awake. why? Because I realize I'm sleeping on the streets. And I'm definitely not in Indiana  for one thing. How do I know? well, I'm wearing something different. Also, It looks WAY different from a normal day in Indiana. I see a boy, he's staring at me. He looks like.... OH he looks like Evan! He can't be Evan... Right?   

"Hey... Is your name Malcolm by any chance?"                                                                                                          


[ -A/N 2 short chapters in a weekend. I'm on a role with this story :)- ]

Sorry for the short chapter. For the make up, here's a bonus!      

-BONUS 2 STARTS-        

  *Note. I imagine Archie on crutches*

Archie  POV 

The day after Evan's Air quote "Disappearance- with-not-telling-us-he's-moving-back-to-manhattan" Incident and "Lucy-was-cheering-about-Evan-Moving-And-she's-not-our-friend-anymore" thing. Malcolm disappears as well. OH COME ON GUYS!!! 

Brett: "Were dropping like flies!" 

Kendra: "Flies who got kicked out of the movie theatre to see a grown  up movie called 'The Blood master'?"        

Brett: "No. Flies who are..." 

Archie: "Loosing their  best friends really really quickly?"  


Brett: "yup"                             

Patrice: "I'm still here! Also, We don't know If malcolm is out sick or something"                     

Cassie: " Oh come on Patrice! Evan moving? Lucy not our friend anymore? third times a charm. NOT" 

Brett: "He always answers texts. and he's not answering!"         


Charlotte: "speaking of Lucy, Anyone else worried what  Lucy's gonna do to us?"

Archie: "Yes.  She'll probably take my crutch and use it to hit us all" 

Lucy: "That's a good one! I'll write that one down" 

*Everyone glares at archie* 

Archie: "Sorry. I'll protect my crutches for the sake of us all!"                                                     

Brett: "Oh please do. I'll take care of lucy" *Smirks* 

Kendra: " WAIT Brett you can't just..."         

Patrice: "Too late..." 

Cassie: "Already punched her in the face"

Lucy: "I hate you all" 

Kendra: "Can we pretend she wasn't my best friend at one point?" 

* all nod except lucy*                        


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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