Chapter 16: They want what they're not, and I wish they would stop

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The sunflower was the centrepiece of the kitchen. The bright yellow sat spry above the crystalline vase on the counter by the window. The very same that Y/N had used as her perch to glare into space. Now, she only felt glee when seeing the same area. She really was too contrarian for life.

She never did find out why he disappeared for five days- she'd forgotten to ask- but she had her own theories. It seemed he was spending more time in the Fairie Realm so as to avoid being caught crossing over. She ran her fingers over the velvety petals, remembering the sensation of his wing under her fingers as she had set it into place. Somehow, it had become a fond memory.

Comparatively, when Dwyn saw her fawning over the sunflower, she looked positively disgusted.

"What is that?"

"What's it look like?"

Dwyn pouted, scrambling over and wrapping her arms around the older woman. For some reason, she was absolutely displeased at the sight, rubbing her face into the side of Y/N's arm like a cat. The older sister laughed and ruffled her hair.

"What's wrong?? Why're you gettin like this, sweetie?"

"Have you met a boy or something?"

"Um!?" Well, yes, but actually no, "Uh... what gave you that idea?"

"You got given a flower."

"I can get given a flower by anyone, though."

"Then, I think it's ugly, and you should throw it out!" She pointed a violent finger towards the flower, as if it had killed her parents.

Y/N was oddly protective, though, swivelling them both so that she was between the grudge-holding girl and the innocent flower. It wasn't just any flower. It was hers. It was from Blondie. It was very important, actually.

"I'm not gunna do that. What did the poor flower ever do to you?"

"Exist! And see! You're defending it! It's evil! Eeevil!"

Amused, Y/N rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

"I really don't think that's the case."


"I met someone who was a boy. I didn't 'meet a boy'."

"It's the same thing."

"It's not the same thing," Y/N denied, suddenly embarrassed.

"I don't like it."

"Bloody hell, love bug," She laughed, incredulously, "There's nothin goin on between us, alright? We're friends. Besides, I thought you liked yellow flowers?"

"Not if they're from boys! Y/N!!" She pulled harshly on the older girl's sleeve, "You're gunna lose teeth if you kiss a boy! You have to not do that!"

Heat and sweat took over her back and neck, cloying against her skin like a virus. She hated how that made her feel. Of course she wasn't going to kiss him! They weren't married, and they couldn't marry anyways. Sure, she'd had that brief moment of weakness- but- that was just a brief moment. She was repenting for it! She even went to church and silently prayed over it during those four days of separation after the fact!

She was doing her part to keep things appropriate. The Goddess would never forgive her if she acted in such a lecherous way! This type of desire was forbidden, and so she was schooling it. It wasn't just a trespass against the Goddess' intention, but it also besmirched Blondie, too. They were friends. That was all they'd ever be. He was immortal, and would surely find his Fae wife and marry and have Fae children and live happily forever after in eternal bliss in the Fairie Realm.

A Garden of Flowers and Bones [Lloyd Garmadon x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now