Chapter 9: War of Wills

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Dwyn got better after the week. To be fair, she got better within a few days, but Y/N was still concerned about her well being and stayed in case the illness made a return. Dwyn was a good sport about the whole thing, and though she teased the older girl for acting like a mother hen, she was happy to spend her days cared for by Y/N.

And Y/N was happy to stay within the magic surrounding their house, hiding from a Faer man. Like that, early summer lapsed into midsummer in the blink of an eye. Those days in the house were peaceful, and she tended to the garden, and cared for Dwyn, brushing her hair each morning, making her food and all those other responsibilities parents have.

"Your hair is so beautiful, Dwyn," Y/N hummed, running her finger through the girl's ringlets as she gently combed through them.

It was just as it had always been. A gorgeous gold colour, rich and glorious. It almost reminded her of the forsythia trees that bloomed in Aramore. They always had these beautiful yellow flowers that opened up like blossoms. They were known as the harbingers of spring, because they tended to become bright golden spots among the snow covered ground at the end of winter. A promise of what was to come.

"You say that every day."

"It's the truth, though."

Dwyn grinned a bit, and in the vanity mirror, it shone like the sun. Being able to spend time with her like this was one of the biggest joys in life. Though she was terrified of the Goddess' intentions, she couldn't help but feel blessed to have the girl every day.

"I- uummmm- like your hair, too," Dwyn said, softly.

"Awwh, thank you," In comparison to Dwyn's hair, Y/N's was drab and dull (then again, so was everyone else's hair compared to Dwyn... it wasn't exactly a fair competition), "We might need to trim the split ends soon, though."

She pinched the ends carefully, glancing at the way they hung uneven. Still stunning, though. However, Dwyn looked absolutely mortified at the thought, turning to look at Y/N from over her shoulder.

"No! You can't cut my hair!"

"I wouldn't be choppin all of it off, silly goose," She pinched her cheek lightly, "I know you love your hair, and it's very lovely, but trimmin encourages more growth. Your hair will be extra long."

"No, because you always cut a whole bunch off, you lying liar!"

"I don't cut a whole bunch off! I cut like, this much off," She held a finger and a thumb up, the space between being no more than two centimetres.

"NO! You cut THIS MUCH OFF!" Dwyn insisted, holding up her own finger and thumb and creating the shape of an 'L' as she stretched it to it's full capacity.

"I don't," Y/N shook her head, but Dwyn looked wholly unconvinced, "I only trim enough to make it all even!"

"I'll trim you!"


"YEAHHH!!" Dwyn glared, "My hair is my sacred treasure! The Goddess wouldn't want you to cut it."

"I think there's a reason she blessed us with scissors, mate."

"Lies and slander!"

"Ohhh, alright fine. But I'm just sayin, if you cut some of it off, it grows back quickly and more healthier, like."

At that, the young girl simply pouted. But their conversation was cut short when Y/N's ears picked up on something from a distance.


"Shh, one second, sweetie," She gently placed a hand ontop of the girl's head, her own ear tilted towards the window with the shutters left open.

The air had warmed up enough to justify short sleeves if one so desired, but Y/N still preferred long, airy sleeves. Honestly was about the only type of summer-fitted dress she even owned. And Y/N didn't like to go travelling to Aramore to ask for the local Seamstress to think about making more. And making her own was so tedious and often ended up with more pricked fingers than necessary.

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